mountains suck- tommy

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Tommy, Wilbur, Phil and Techno were on their way down a mountain.

They had climbed it earlier that day. It wasn't a particularly large mountain. But it was big enough that it took them a few hours to get up.

They were about an hour from the bottom. And although they'd set off early afternoon, it was already starting to grow dark. Which was definitely not ideal as it meant the rocky surface beneath their feet was getting harder and harder to notice where it was and wasn't safe to step.

'Be careful guys! It's really uneven here, okay?' Phil said loudly as it was also quite windy and a little hard to hear.

'What?' Tommy shouted stumbling to get closer to the others as he was slightly behind them. But because he couldn't see too well where exactly he was stepping, Tommy tripped.

But not only that. He tripped right over one of the edges of the mountain. It was quite far down. In fact it was a gradual but still very rocky.

He tumbled down the edge. A yell escaping from his mouth.

'TOMMY?!' Wilbur screamed.
Techno yelled out too.
And Phil ran too the edge where Tommy had tripped seconds before.

Tommy couldn't hear their screams. Only the sound of his own rapid breaths. He was so bruised, but luckily he seemed to have dodged any major injuries. Tommy was mostly just in shock. He let out a large gasp and then a sob.

'Wilby.' He pleaded that he would here. He was covered by a rock so he couldn't see anyone and no one could see him until they got close enough.

'Please!' He sobbed. He heard someone shouting his name. 'Here!' He shouted as loud as he could.


Wilbur was the first to see him. 'Oh my god Tommy. Hey it's okay. Shhhh shhh' he said stroking the boys hair trying to comfort him. Phil and Techno came rushing over. Equally frightened looks spreading across their faces.

Tommy was bruised up and had varied scratches all over himself. Including a vary prominent one down the entirety of his lower leg.

'Where have you hurt Tommy?!' Phil asked.

'E-everywhere.' Tommy sobbed.

As gently as physically possible, Wilbur picked the boy off the ground and into his arms, bridal style.

It took about half an hour to get back to the bottom. Wilbur quickly put Tommy into their car and switched on the lights so they could all properly assess the damage. As it had been pretty dark.

Tommy was trembling, not only with fear and the trauma from the experience, but also because it had grew very cold and he was only wearing shorts and a T- shirt.

Wilbur grabbed a coat from inside the car and laid it over the boy. Keeping his scratched up leg uncovered.
'We should get it clean.' Wilbur stated.
Phil nodded and Techno grabbed some wipes from the front of the car along with a small first aid kit.

'Tommy this might hurt a bit.' Techno said, handing the stuff to Phil.

Wilbur climbed in the car with Tommy and held his arms tightly. Like a hug, but also to stop Tommy from slapping Phil's hand away when he went near, as he knew this was going to hurt an awful lot.

'Okay Tommy.' Phil said apprehensively. Tommy tried to squirm out the way but Wilbur was holding him down. Phil wiped the cut, as gently as he could but it still made Tommy yelp.

'NO! NO GET OFF ME! OWWW!' Tommy was screaming now. Wilbur was trying his best to keep Tommy as still as possible, 'shhh it's okay Toms almost done!' He whispered into the boys ear trying to calm his down.

After what felt like hours of pain to Tommy, Phil was done.

Tommy let out a loud sob. 'That hurt a lot.' He said.

Wilbur hugged him tighter. 'I know Toms but it's all over now. We won't be climbing a mountain again any time soon!' Wilbur chuckled.

'Good cause I fucking hate em!'

lol I got so stuck with this one half way through.

author <3

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