jelly fish- tommy

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'IM GONNA BEAT YOU HAHHAHAHA.' tommy yelled to wilbur as the two of them pegged it to the deep blue ocean.

techno and phil walked calmly behind them both, exchanging glances and shaking the their heads, but smiling.

tommy was now submerged to his shoulders, wilbur further back, 'wimp.' tommy joked.

he took a deep breath, held his nose and put his whole head underneath. the water was cool and clear, he looked around, opening his eyes and seeing fish and seaweed and plenty of other sea creatures. he came up for more air, then, kicked his feet and went even further down.

he felt something slightly brush his leg, as he looked down he saw, a plastic bag?

but unfortunately for tommy, it was not a plastic bag but instead a jellyfish. he realised this not long before it inevitably stung him. his eyes widened and he kicked and screamed under the water. wilbur noticed tommy thrashing about, laughing at him as he thought he was joking.

tommys head emerged from the water, as it did the jellyfish stung him heartlessly.

'OWWW. WILBUR JELLYFISH.' tommy screamed, his head unintentionally going back under in his panic and pain.

'IM COMING' wilbur yelled, doing large strides to reach tommy.

Techno and phil, after seeing all the commotion, stood nervously on the side of the beach. both of them were watching to see what was going on, neither of them heard what tommy had said, only his yells.

wilbur reached tommy, grabbing him as he screeched in pain. 'is it still on you?' wilbur asked.
'n-NO.' tommy said through gritted teeth, trying and failing to calm him self.

wilbur dragged tommy to the shore, and then carried him bridal style onto the sand.

'what happened.' phil asked, panicked.
'jellyfish stung his leg he said.' wilbur replied.

tommy whimpered, 'phil it hurts so bad.'
phil leaned closer, looking at tommys leg, which was now red with white streaks where the tentacles had stung him.

'let's carry him home, we can get some ice for your leg tommy.' phil said, comfortingly.

techno leaned down and picked tommy up, the three of them walked back to the house.

'lay him there, i'll get some ice.' phil said.

tommy squeezed his eyes, biting his lip, clearly trying not to cry. wilbur sat next to him, 'tommy you don't have to try and be brave, if it hurts, you can cry.' tommy looked at wilbur, his eyes brimming with tears. he shoved his head into wilburs chest. his body shaking with sobs.

wilbur stroked his hair, 'there, there.' wilbur comforted.

'i've got the ice!' phil rushed in, carrying a bag of ice.
he gently placed it onto tommys leg, causing him to wince. he also brought some pain killers, 'lean forward toms.' phil said, he put the glass and pills up to tommys lips. the boy sniffled as he swallows the pills, using the back of him hand to wipe the tears off his face, leaving only marks where they had been.

'let's put on a film.' phil suggested, trying to distract tommy from the pain.

all four of them ended up snuggled together on the couch, tommy feeling much better.


the end was cringe i'm sorry Ha.
i'm eating a subway cookie it's so good like wow

author <3

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