every minute and every hour... -tommy

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i groaned. rolling over for probably the hundredth time this morning. my phone kept pinging but i knew exactly what it would be.

Every. single. person. i was friends with had gone to america.

and they were all posting pictures of them being happy and doing all this awesome stuff. but i couldn't be there. and i hated to say it but i was jealous. i wanted to be there. not even for the content, just so i could hang out with them. i just wanted to be with them. surely that's not a crime?

my phone pinged again and i lost it. i threw it across the room. immediately regretting it. i got out of bed and picked it up, a small crack had formed across the centre of the screen. i put it on my desk face down. i didn't want to see it. i logged onto minecraft.

i sat there playing it for a few hours, trying to keep my self focused on it. but a few minutes later i found
myself counting how long it would be till they got back.

'3 weeks 4 days.' i mutter.

a tear runs down my cheek.

...i miss you, i miss you, i miss you more.


i used song lyrics in this one! (the song is at the top) also it's such a great song so yeah listen to it rn.

sorry this one was short :,(

author <3

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