screw up- tommy pt4

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i sat down on the bed in the my new room. it was very plain and bare at the moment. with only a bed and a wardrobe on the opposite side to fill it. i could just about here laughing and talking from the other side of the apartment, but then a door shut and those sounds were blocked out.

i didn't want to seem clingy so instead i tried to be all happy and unpack, but that quickly ended with tears streaming down my face.

you're so worthless
why can't you do anything right
why'd you gotta be such a burden.

i wanted to scream and yell. but instead i aggressively rubbed my eyes and slapped myself across the face. 'stop being weak.' i said through gritted teeth. then proceeded to walk into the kitchen.

when i walked in i noticed the kitchen was oddly quiet. 'guys?' i questioned.

'we're busy Tommy. get yourself some food.' techno replied quickly and then him, wilbur and phil continued talking and laughing.

i felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. similar to the one i had gotten when wilbur started shouting at me for breaking the monitor all those months ago.

i decided to go on a walk. i didn't want to be in here anymore. i quietly opened and then shut the door. i walked down the stairs opening the door to the outside of the apartment block into the cold dark night. i was listening to music through headphones, it got to a song i didn't like i so i checked my phone so i could switch the music. an alert came through so i clicked onto it. a new message. from... unknown?

i know where you are. i could hurt you. i know you have money.

i can see you.
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i clicked shakily on the image. it was me from behind. i gasped and a shiver ran up my spine. the adrenaline soon kicked in and i started running. fast. as fast as i could towards the apartment block. i'd been gone for about 2 hours or so and was about to come home anyway so i wasn't too far. i ran up to the door panic completely taking over. slamming it open and then shut and running up the apartment block stairs. when i got to the right door i frantically knocked. tears streaming down my face.

'LET ME IN, LET ME IN.' i pleaded, rapidly looking left and right to make sure no one was there.
i heard running steps from inside. and then, wilbur opened the door. 'tommy where the hell did you go?! we've been panicking.' he said breathing a sigh of relief then after seeing me breathlessness and crying, 'woah woah what happened?' he questioned. i pushed past him and slammed the door. 'they're gonnaget m-me.' my words slurred and i sounded delirious.
'Phil, techno.' wilbur shouted, his voice layered with concern and worry. they both came in, rushing more once they saw me. 'tommy? what's wrong?' phil asked worriedly. i couldn't answer i couldn't say anything. he walked up to me and felt my head. 'he's warm, maybe he's not well.' phil said, though i could barely hear him now, his voice seemed so distant like he was a million miles away. i couldn't pick up on any of the voices only sounds of concern.

i suddenly felt lightheaded and sick. i felt the world spinning and then my stomach leapt. i ran to the toiled and threw up, shivering and shaking. i hated throwing up, it made me feel so out of control. i felt myself fall backwards, and then the world went dark.


tommy stood there looking confused and pale. it seemed what we were saying to him was hitting a brick wall and bouncing back. then, all of a sudden the boys eyes widened and he lurched slightly, i watched tommy run to the bathroom whimpering as he fell to his knees and threw up, i could tell he was gonna pass out by the blank expression on his face by the end of it. i rushed behind him and caught his limp body just in time. i picked him up and carried him into my room. phil and techno following behind. i lay him on my bed sitting directly behind him so that his head was on my chest.

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