they're dead- tommy

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'Goodbye Chat It's been pog!' He switches off his stream and checks the time. 11:43pm.
'I'll check my messages then go to bed.'

'Great stream mate.'
                                                 Thanks Wil. G'night.

'Goodnight Toms'

As he's slowly drifting off into sleep a loud harsh knocking sound makes him jump.
There was no one in the house, both his parents were at a hotel cause they couldn't stand the noise of Tommy screaming into the night at his streams. They weren't gonna be gone too long. Just a few nights.

He rubbed his eyes wondering if he'd imagined the knocking. But then another knock followed. He drearily went downstairs and unlocked the door.

Two men in police badges stand there with equally serious looks on their faces.

'Um hello?'
'I'm incredibly sorry to tell you this.' One of the men said. 'But both your parents died in a car accident earlier tonight.'

Tommy stood there in utter shock and denial. He shoved past the two police men and stood on his drive way.

His lungs could no longer take it he gulped the air and screamed into the dark cold night. The two police men looked unsettled. It was clear they had never had to tell a child that their parents had died before.

Tommy's knees buckled and he sank to the ground and let out a heartbreaking sob. One of the police men tried to put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him but it made him angry.


People nearby were starting to stir with all the noise from outside. Door were being opened and people stared at him. He couldn't take it anymore he got up and started running.

'HEY KID!' ' GET BACK HERE!' The police officers shout and try to run after him.

But he doesn't stop. Tears are blurring his vision but he continues running. On and on.

His legs feel like jelly. He runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.
'I can't run anymore.' He looks at his surroundings and sees a bench. He stumbles over and lays down and immediately passes out.

      Wilbur POV

I text Tommy when I wake up.

'Good morning Tom'

He usually answers right away cause he always wakes up at the same time. But today he didn't text back.
'Kinda strange.' Perhaps he's just slept in a bit.

-He tried to push the thought out of his head and decided to go on a walk before editing his latest pre made video. -

It's raining slightly so I put my hood up. I notice a figure laying on the bench. I always feel pity for people like that. I go to walk past the bench his hair looks exactly like Tommy's I think to myself. Hang on. That is Tommy!

I run over to the bench and try to shake him awake.
'Tommy? TOMMY?!'
His body is cold and his face is pale. His eyes are puffy and as I push his hair out of his face. His head is so hot he must have a fever from being out here.

I grab my phone from my pocket and call Phil.
'I need to you to get here right now I'll send my location, I've found Tommy on a bench I think he's ill I need you to bring your car so we can take him to my house.'

I take off my coat and put it over Tommy like a blanket. I try waking him up again.

'Tommy? Please wake up.'

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