boy in a box- tubbo

192 3 0

phil- idk... old?
techno- 18
wilbur- 17
tommy- 6
tubbo- 7 (size of a 4 year old though)

it was a dark and stormy night, the wind whistled and the rain hammered onto the paved slabs. the streetlights lit up the alleys with an orange glow, many of them flickered from over use.

'dad look what i can do!' a tommy screeched happily, he proceeded to run and jump in a large puddle, and then whimper when he realised that he was now wet and dirty.

'tommy!' phil said chuckling. wilbur ran over to the boy and picked him up, 'silly boy!' he tickled the little one under his chin making him giggle to prevent him from starting to cry like he usually would.
'we need to get going guys i don't want any of you catching a cold!' phil said firmly.
he began leading the way with wilbur and tommy next to him. He turned around, expecting his eldest son to be right behind. but he was not. instead he was a little further back, crouching near a small box which was under what looked like a spotlight since the streetlight was directly above it.

'what is it techno?' phil asked.
'come here dad.' his son said worriedly.

phil walked over glancing at tommy and wilbur as if to say follow me, which they did.

'i think there's something in this box.' techno said hesitantly.
'oh my.' phil said, he looked at the box carefully, it was soaked through, whatever was in this box would certainly not be in good condition. he carefully lifted the flaps to reveal a brown mop of fluffy hair and green teary eyes starting back at him.

it was a tiny boy.

at first he was startled by the shock, but then sympathetic for the poor little child left in a box.

'hey little one!' phil said gently. 'let's get you out of this box, hmm?' he slowly reached in and scooped the shivering child out. the boy was tiny, looking to be the size of about a 4 year old, he wore a green dirty top and some blue jeans, both of which were soaked and unclean. 'hey buddy! what's your name?' phil asked.
't-t-tub- bo' the boy shivered.
'do you know how old you are tubbo?'
tubbo looked confused for a moment and then started counting his fingers and holding up 7.
'you're 7?! are you sure?' phil was convinced he was about 4 or maybe 5. the man shook his head to remind himself that right now his priority was getting the little one warm and dry. 'okay tubs, i'm gonna pick you up okay? we don't live far from here we'll take you home yes?' he asked.
'NO! no home please no home.' tubbo pleaded.
'no mate hey hey it's okay! i mean my home.' he reassured the boy. tubbo sniffled and then allowed phil to pick him up by reaching out his arms and squeezing his fists open and closed.

phil gently lifted the boy up, tucking his cape around him so he would stay warm. 'so we're taking him!' techno asked excitedly.
'yes! why don't you run home get him a bath ready and some blankets and a change of clothes actually.'
phil asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to walk very fast with two children now with him rather than just one.
techno ran home and did as his father told him. wilbur carried tommy, who had fallen asleep, and phil carried tubbo who was now wrapped up but still continued to shiver.

the four of them walked back to the house, phil quickly carried tubbo upstairs to the pre-made bath curtsy of techno. the poor child's body was littered in scars and bruises. it was clear from this and the screams of terror tubbo had made at the mention of his home, that he was clearly abandoned by not nice people.

after cleaning him, phil chose out some of tommys clothes to put on tubbo. unfortunately though, the clothes were huge on the boy, and so he had to wear the baggy clothes. phil had to admit though, he looked absolutely adorable.

he picked up the child and brought him into the lounge, he was still cold to the touch so he put him on the sofa covering him in blankets and moving tommy (who was also asleep on the sofa) next to him so his body heat would spread to him.

he tuned to wilbur and techno.
'i'm so glad you saw him techno. he wouldn't have made it through the night alone i don't think.' he said sadly.
'why would anyone do that to an innocent little child though?' wilbur questioned sadly.

'i don't know wilb. i really don't know.' he replied.


i had to cut this a little shorter than i anticipated all though it's not that noticeable phew! (sos the milkshake stream started, quackity, George and sapnap and i prioritised them so i guess sucks to suck sorry :)

this won't be published on the same day btw so if that stream was a week ago or something now you'll know why. (i'm not a time traveller)

author <3

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