screw up- tommy pt5

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i breathed in the fresh air. i felt safe here since it was the middle of the day. besides staying inside my whole life wasn't going to fix anything. i wondered down to the beach and sat on the rocks, occasionally throwing stones into the water.

'thomas.' someone said from behind. i shivered, the last person who had called me that was...

'dad?' i swivelled my head to see the one and only. my father.
'don't call me that.' he hissed, grabbing the neck of my shirt roughly. 'did you like my messages the other night?' he smirked, 'me and the nice men you were taken by want your money... or we will kill you.' he said bluntly.
'WILL, TECHNO, PHIL.' i screamed hoping to make my dad think they were close by so he would leave.

he looked left and right. 'your friends aren't even here you freak.' he snarled. he grabbed my arm and started dragging me with him. 'LET GO OF ME' i screeched, trying to get the attention of anyone nearby as well as dragging him off me. i looked up, we were close to my apartment.

i could make out someone sat by the window. i screamed as loudly as possible before my father put his hand over my mouth. i saw the figure move and then leave my sight. i guess he hadn't heard me. my eyes started to brim with tears. i tried to pull away from him but he gripped me harder. soon i could see where he was taking me. the very same van that had gotten me the first time. i kicked and screamed, getting flooding memories from the first time. my father got me to the door of the van and tried pushed me in. another guy put a gag over my mouth so i could no longer scream. the door slammed and i sobbed.

i squeezed my eyes shut, terrified of what was to come. then i heard commotion from outside. sounds of yelling and punches? then someone opened the door to the van.

it was wilbur.

he grabbed me and lifted me out of the van. he ran over to the stairs that lead up to our apartment and sat down with me on his lap.


i opened the van door, revealing the poor sobbing tommy who was gagged. i picked up and rushed to a safer space, phil and techno were beating up the capturers. i sat down on a stair outside the apartment block and pulled tommy into my lap. i removed the tight gag from his mouth and then let him him bury his head into my shoulder. he sobbed erratically, phil and techno soon joined us after the police had seen all the commotion and arrested the men. techno places a hand on the back of tommys head and then asked me wether he had any injuries.

'he's bruised on his upper arm and he was gagged pretty roughly, he's very shaken up.' i replied.

Phil's dad instincts kicked in as he carefully picked up the shaking child and shushed him gently. tommys breathing slowed slightly and began at a more normal pace.

'dadza strikes again.' techno chuckled. i laughed too.

phil rolled his eyes but smiled. 'hey toms?' he whispered softly. 'that was your dad wasn't it.' he visibly flinched at that word, and nodded his head slowly, his face now visible.

'h-he wants my money. h-he said he- he would k-kill me.' he stuttered. 'h-he was gonna take me in that- that van back to the workhouse.' he stuttered, clearly finding it hard to keep himself together. phil put his hand on tommys head and gently moved his head back onto his shoulder. he stood up, carrying the blonde with him. 'let's get him inside.' phil said.


my heart ached for the poor boy, but also my blood boiled. i was so angry at his father and those awful men for putting him through all this. it wasn't fair.

i clenched my fists. wilbur noticed as he looked at me, 'techno calm.' he said, 'we'll discuss what we're gonna do once tommy is asleep okay?' he said comfortingly. i breathed out a sigh, unclenching my fists and nodded at wilbur.

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