teacher- tommy

216 4 0

'tommy.' his teacher said angrily.
'yeah?' tommy replied, cautious to keep his tone calm since his teacher was known to get mad, quick.
'stay behind.' he said.

so as everyone else in his class left to go home, tommy stayed behind.

'WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS?!' he suddenly screamed, as the last person shut the door. he slammed down tommy's test paper which had a 27% in big bold letters scribbled across the front.
'i-i uh.'
the teacher, mr grey, a fitting name considering his dark, negative attitude, loomed over tommys shoulder.
tommy tried to lean away, 'I SAID WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS.' he yelled, and then slapped tommy across the face. not too hard but enough too shock the boy.

he held his cheek, 's-sorry.' tommy whispered, trying to hold back tears.
'NOT GOOD ENOUGH.' the man screamed, 'YOU ARE SUCH A SCREW UP THOMAS. YOURE BRINGING THE WHOLE CLASS DOWN WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE THE BRAINS TO FUCKING PASS.' the man's face was growing more and more red and angry looking. tommy had put his knees up to his chest now, scared of what was to come. 'ARE YOU SCARED OF ME?! GOOD.' he sniggered. he suddenly lurched towards tommy, and then after a second of what seemed to be thought, he punched the boy square in the nose.
'owww.' tommy whimpered, his eyes flooding with tears and his nose starting a stream of blood.

mr grey looks remorseless as he smirked joyfully at the pain he had caused. tommy tried to get up and leave, assuming maybe he was finished with him now. 'OI! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING.' the teacher snarled.
'h-home?' tommy whimpered.
'but my family they-'
'I DONT CARE. SIT.' he screamed.
tommy sat back down, tears rolling down his cheeks. mr grey turned his back for a second. as he did so, tommy grabbed his phone and messaged the first person in his contacts as quick as possible.

Phil help me i'm at school my teacher is hurting me.

the second he pressed send he slipped his phone back in his pocket, not wanting mr grey to realise what was going on. tommy crossed both his fingers, hoping and hoping that phil would see his message and come quick before he had to endure any more pain...

phil POV:

i heard a ping from my phone and checked my messages. i saw it was from tommy, 'good he hasn't got back yet where is he.' i muttered to myself before reading the text.

both of them came running down the stairs and i showed them both the text, 'GET IN THE CAR.' i yelled, panic taking over and the thought of tommy being in pain.

we drove to the school as quickly as we possibly could. the three of us discussing what we thought was happening and going over the safety of tommy being our top priority always.

we got to the school, even though it felt like it took an extra long time, we had actually made it there very fast.

we ran to the entrance and then through the many corridors, racing to tommys classroom.

i opened the door, gasping as i saw mr grey leaning over tommy, who looked absolutely terrified and beaten up.
'GET OFF HIM.' techno screamed from behind me, he then ran over and shoved the teacher to the floor. tommy sobbed, 'you came.' he whispered. i rushed over to him, seeing the bruises more clearly.

'tommy oh my gosh i'm so sorry this happened to you, it's okay mate, we're gonna get you home and cleaned up huh?'
tommy nodded, reaching his arms out to wilbur who gently picked him up. wilbur grabbed a tissue and wiped tommys bloody nose.

no one's POV:

'i've called the police so i'll stay here and wait till they arrive.' techno said, kicking mr grey for good measure.

so, leaving techno behind, tommy phil and wilbur left the school.

they unlocked the door to the house and walked in. 'okay stand there tommy.' phil said nodding towards the kitchen. wilbur stood next to the boy, who was still trembling from a mix of shock and fear.
'it's okayyy it's okay.' wilbur whispered comfortingly.
phil arrived back, holding a tub of liquid, some plasters and a bag of ice.

'okay i'm going to put some of this liquid onto the cut under your eye okay? it will sting a little so wilbur if you want to...' he trailed off, hoping wilbur would get the message before he had to say it.

wilbur got it, quickly grabbing tommys hands and standing behind him to stop him from moving. tommy whimpered softly, realising this was probably going to hurt.

phil got some of the liquid into a cotton wool pad and then put it on tommys cut. 'owwowowoww.' tommy groaned, squirming to try and move away from wilbur's grasp, however he was unsuccessful.

'okay okay i'm done.' phil said eventually, 'now we'll just put some ice on your nose okay?'
tommy nodded, 'mhm'
'okay let's sit down, we need to hear what happened.'

'well i- i was i...' tommy stuttered.
'it's okay tommy take your time.' wilbur said squeezing his hand.
'he told me to stay behind and- and then he started screaming at me for a bad grade. and then he... he...'
'he hit you?' phil whispered.
tommy nodded sadly.
'did he hit you more than once?' wilbur asked.
'he punched my nose.' tommy replied.

wilbur hugged the boy, who was now shaking.
'hushh it's okay! you're safe here now with us.' wilbur said comfortingly.
tommy closed his eyes, his head buried in wilbur's chest.

techno came through the door, just as tommy had fallen asleep.

'the police took care of him.' techno said bluntly, 'is tommy okay?' he asked.

'he's sleeping.'

the three of them looked at the boy, who was now safe with them, and breathed a sigh of relief.


i literally had no idea how to finish this one oops. it's fine though it kinda ended okay. i came up with this idea in the waiting line for the checkout.

i think i'm negative for covid now and i'm feeling way better FINALLY.

and i had a bit of a writers block while i had covid cause my brain wouldn't work but i think i'm good now.


author <3

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