left in school- tommy

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'oh i left my book!' tommy yelled. he began running back to his class. he was mad at himself since it was about to rain and he would now get the full force of it when he did actually leave.

he raced through the empty halls, eventually arriving at his classroom. he rummaged quickly through his desk and found it.

'gotcha.' he mumbled.

he went to turn around but the door was closed, 'huh? that's odd.' he whispered. he went over to the door. it was locked.

shit. shit. shit.

he tried to grab the handle and turn it further but doing so eventually ended in the door knob falling off into his hands.

his breaths began to become shaky. 'no! don't panic. i can just ca-' tommy cut himself off after going to grab his phone and realising it was in fact not there.
he leaned against the wall. puffing his cheeks trying to think of a solution. The windows were not going to be easy to break because they were multi-layered and they were very thin, tommy wasn't even sure he'd fit through even if he could break it.


it had been a few house now, the sky was looking almost completely dark and only thunder had began outside. tommy was scared of thunder. the flashed of light illuminated the room as he desperately squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears with his palms.

one rumble of thunder moved the ground so much that the door swung open. tommy looked up, quickly moving out the room and running through the corridors almost as if he was trying to escape someone who was chasing him.

he reached the entrance which was obviously locked, thought it had an emergency fire escape next to it. he opened the door and was met with heavy pouring rain.

he was soaked through to the skin after being out for just a few seconds. the thunder frightened him once more and so he ran again. he didn't even think about where he was going, his legs where just taking him home.

he finally reached his drive way. shivering and cold he knocked on the door. he could already hear what sounded to be panicked voices from the inside that stopped when he knocked.

he barely even saw the door open before someone had grabbed him and was hugging him tightly. 'OH MY GOD TOMMY?' someone said worriedly. tommy was so relieved that the adrenaline completely left his body and his knees buckled. 'woah.' 'toms?' wilbur picked him up and carried him to a chair in the living room. someone got him a blanket and shoved some other clothes in his arms. 'put those on okay mate.' phil said.

everyone came back in the room when tommy was done. 'what happened?' wilbur asked softly. tommy explained everything from how it had happened to running home in the rain and thunder.

'it was really scary.' he said looking down at the floor.
'aww toms. it's okay you're safe now.' wilbur whispered.


so sorry for the like more than a month break out of nowhere. i've had a million exams but also i just couldn't be bothered tbh but it's okay i have another draft to post after this one YAY

author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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