screw up- tommy pt2

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weeks passed.

tommy had not been found. missing child posters where scattered around, but after a few days he was mostly thought to be dead.

his parents were more than delighted. they could finally take all his money, and as a bonus their annoying son was gone forever.

techno and phil had not gone home after that night. they stayed in london in the hopes of finding tommy.


i don't know how long i've been here. but it feels like forever. at first i cried and whimpered and shouted for someone, anyone to hear me.

but no one ever has. they bring me random scraps of food and make me do their jobs. i think they're a gang or something. i spend a lot of time crying. but i learnt to cry softly so that no one would hear me and beat me. oh yeah, they hurt me to. i had bruises and scrapes and worst of all a large probably now infected gape reaching from my lower leg all the way up to my thigh. it hurt like hell but i couldn't do anything to fix it so instead i cried. not just because of the unbearable pain but from the isolation of being in a dark room for days on end doing nothing but sitting. letting my own thoughts cloud my vision.

i sometimes wondered if wilbur was still mad. he had every right to be mad. i had been so annoying and then gone and broken his expensive monitor. i also wondered if my parents cared. they had obviously been notified by now that i was missing but i doubted they would be looking for me. i was alone here. no one would ever find me. maybe i would die here. in regret. with no one that cared.

a loud bang knocked me out of my thoughts.

'oi. come ere. boss wants too see ya.' a loud gravely voice echoed from the door. i scrambled up from the floor, standing as far back from the door as possible in case he opened it quickly.

he opened the door and grabbed my arm, yanking it hard, dragging me to who knows where.

then the man stopped. a grin spreading across his lips. he picked up a pipe? i wasn't sure what he was doing but as he slowly put it behind his neck i realised he was about to make a swing at me. i tried to move but he still had hold of my arm. he whacked me across the head with it.

and all went dark.


i opened my eyes, yawning, and headed into the kitchen to get breakfast. the house was quiet, as usual, without tommy there it was like a dark black cloud had covered the house. no smiles or laughter were present any more. only great worry and grief for the apparent loss of tommy, whom they believed to still be alive.

techno and phil were still staying with me still. not only did they want to make sure they were close by if tommy ever came back suddenly, but also because they knew how hard this was for me. i'd been really struggling to accept the fact i may never see him again. perhaps that's why they stayed for me rather than for tommy. but i don't even care. they stayed and that's what i need right now.

i hope tommy doesn't think i'm still mad at him. all i want more than anything is to see him again.

most of all though? i hope he's safe.


i fluttered open my eyes. an unbelievably harsh wave of pain hit me like a whip. a man in front of me snarled, he had prodded me with a burning hot poker multiple times while i had been knocked out, which explained why i was in so much pain.

the room i was in was large and dim. lit with a small fire in the corner. i could see people sat in chairs murmuring to each other. the rooms atmosphere was tense and cold.

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