screw up- tommy pt1

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i was stupid. why the hell did i do that. i was living such a good opportunity.

and then i fucking ruined it.

i'd had a fight with wilbur, we'd been sharing an apartment for almost 6 months. same office, same space. perhaps the closeness was all too much for our relatively new friendship. before hand we had barely met up only really talking on vc's. nevertheless it was one of the best friendships i'd ever had. he felt like more than just a friend, he was like my brother.

i'd been being so annoying. i purposely interrupted all of wilbur's streams even though he specifically told me to leave him. i don't know why i did it, i didn't realise how much it was annoying him. and then, on the last stream, when we both still lived there, i messed up big time.

i slammed open the door and pointed the vlog gun i had just found from underneath a pile of stuff, at him. 'tommy get out.' he'd said wearily.
'No bitch, never!' i'd said loudly. a loud sound from outside made me suddenly jump, causing the hand with the vlog gun in to fling to the side causing it to collide with wilbur's setup.

a huge, and i mean HUGE, crack formed across his main monitor and his entire stream switched off.


'i- wil i didn't mean too i-'  Tommy said, genuinely distraught at what he had done.

'get out.'


'you heard me. i said GET OUT. GET OUT OF MY BUILDING TOMMY. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU RIGHT NOW OR EVER. Wilbur said his face going increasingly red. he was beyond furious and his already annoyed mood meant that what tommy did pushed him right over the edge.

Tommy looked pleadingly at Wilbur trying to form words. his eyes were glossed over with tears, scared and upset he had scurried out grabbing his stuff and shoving it in a bag, tears he tried so hard to keep in, flowing effortlessly down his pale cheeks.

he left their apartment, his face red and blotchy from crying. he was hours away from his home, and even if he wasn't he didn't want to go 'home' before wilbur his life had been so difficult. his parents were...
money orientated let's say. they cared nothing about there only son, but the money he earned. they cared about that an awful lot.

they would force Tommy to stream even at his tiredest or illest. it was not a good environment for tommy. panic attacks from stress became a more than daily occurrence. and once he moved in with wilbur, only after being called a disgrace for leaving by his parents, did his life finally improve.

but of course. nothing good ever lasts. especially for Tommy. it seemed his happiness was tainted.

(still flashback) ~Wilbur pov~

i was so mad. i'd been mad already that day. i'd spilt my coffee everywhere and woken up late and had to rush to get to the stream at the time i had promised on twitter.

and tommy breaking my monitor was one step too far. i had never gotten properly annoyed at him before. i knew how hard his home life was and one time a couple of months before we had moved in together, he had called me in a complete state telling me he couldn't do it anymore. he had looked so tired and after hours of us talking he had actually fallen asleep on call to me.

i sat there inspecting the damage that had been done to my monitor. i was still furious, but the soft stifled sobs coming from the next room were making me feel bad.

i peered around my door, tommy didn't see me but i saw him. he was on his knees stuffing his things in his bag.

part of me wanted to run over and hug him so i wouldn't have to see my little brother hurting.

but i knew he had to learn a lesson. i only wanted to cause him a little bit of peril.

he got up, grabbed his bag and left the house.

i walked mindlessly through the streets of london. shivering in the cold breeze. the darkness of the night had began to set upon london.

i wanted to stop walking. my legs were hurting and i was freezing. but i was determined not to go back. i didn't want wilbur to shout at me again.

i sat down on a park bench. no one was really around. everyone had gone into their nice warm houses by now.

a solitary tear ran down my cheek.

i curled my legs up to my chest trying to combat both my feelings of cold and the feeling as though i wasn't safe.

i grabbed my phone from my pocket, seeing messages from everyone i knew. i guess wilbur had told them what happened. i was too scared too look. what if they were all angry at me?

instead, i curled up more and shut my eyes.


the second he left i felt uneasy. phil called me immediately after the stream had ended so abruptly with me shouting.

'mate what's going on?' he questioned.
'tommy broke my monitor, i screamed at him phil, like proper screamed he started crying and i told him to get out and now i'm kinda panicking cause i have no idea where he is.' i blurted out.
'oh god.' he replied, 'let me text him hang on.'
'i'm not even mad at him anymore, i know he was just doing it to be funny he never meant to break anything.' i said regretfully. 'what if he's hurt or something!?' i started putting on my shoes. 'i'm gonna go look for him.' i said suddenly.

i opened my front door, taking the stairs of my apartment block two at a time. my phone was still in my hand, phil was trying to call people who could help look for tommy also.

'Techno is on his way and so am i. he'll get there sooner but i'm coming asap.'
'okay, i'll hang up now but i'll let you know if i find him.' i replied, hanging up.

i jogged through the streets of london, desperately looking for Tommys blond hair and for his light blue eyes to stare back at me.

after walking around for over 3 hours, and the clocks striking 2am i decided to call phil back.

'i can't find him.' i said nervously.
'he's been out there for ages! he's not gonna go back to his parents so he's probably sat somewhere freezing.' phil said worriedly, he'd expected tommy to have been found by now. 'i'm in london now, not quite near you but i'll look around where i am. Techno should be with you soon.'

they both hung up.


i flickered open my eyes. in front of me where a gang of three, burly looking men. 'what're you doing here kid.' the meanest looking one said threateningly. 'i-i ran away.' tommy said whimpering.

'come with us kid.' one of the other ones said.
'n-n no it's okay i don't... i- i'll be fine.' tommy stuttered terrified by now.

'why do you think you have a choice.' one of the men snarled, making the other two chuckle manicly.

'n-no p-please, please don't i-' but i never got to finish my sentence because the grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into their nearby van.


i saw a van speed past me, almost sending me flying even though i was on the pavement. i put my middle finger up and shouted a few curse words in the direction of the van.

that's when i saw techno.

'i've looked around i can't see him, phil can't either he's coming to meet us here.' techno said, his monotone voice still the same but perhaps with a hint of fear in it.

a few moments later, phil came walking round the corner. 'this is hopeless, he's not answering his phone either and he has no money so he can't leave london but we could look for days and still not spot him.'

the three of them walked back to wilbur's apartment. techno walked over to a chair, seeing tommys coat laid on it. 'he doesn't even have his coat!' techno said gulping.

'he's gonna be freezing.'


probs gonna be quite a few parts to this soooooo

author <3

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