on the edge- tommy

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'tommy what are you doing?' techno asked, seeing tommy sneaking out all while looking highly suspicious.
'i- uh im just trying to post something to tubbo b-but phil would be mad if he knew i was going out so late.' he stuttered.
'well then you'll have to wait. sorry tommy but it is dark and it's also supposed to be really windy i think going out would be a bad idea.' techno replied.
'not you as well!?' tommy sighed.
'sorry.' techno said, 'it's not safe though.'


''can someone call tommy down for dinner please.' phil asked, all while serving up the spaghetti he had been making.
'TOMMY, DINNER!' wilbur shouted.
phil techno and wilbur sat down waiting on tommy to grace them with his presence.

but he did not come.

'TOMMY! HURRY IM STARVING.' wilbur groaned, 'ugh i'll go get him.' he said scraping his chair in annoyance as he pushed it back.

wilbur traipsed up the stairs. 'tommy?' he said pushing open the door. 'hello?' but there was absolutely no one there.
wilbur walked back downstairs, concerned now. 'guys he's not in the house.' he said bluntly.
'WHAT?' phil yelled worriedly, looking left and right as if he would suddenly appear.
'oh god. i know where he is.' techno groaned, 'he said he wanted to deliver a parcel to tubbo, i told him no cause it's windy and stormy and also dark. but quite obviously he didn't listen.'
'but it's like horribly stormy.' wilbur said worriedly.
'okay. we need to find him.' phil stood up, 'how long ago did he tell you that techno?'
'probably about 2 hours ago.' techno replied.

the three of them quickly scoured the house once more, ensuring he wasn't just hiding or something.
after realising this definitely was happening and that tommy really had been out in the storm, the three of them put coats and shoes on and left the house with torches.




the three of them continuously shouted for the next 20 minutes.

'guys this isn't working.' wilbur shouted into the mist of the night.

'w-w wilbur.' a voice mumbled, clearly pained.
'TOMMY?' wilbur shouted again, frantically looking left and right.

'oh my god.' techno whisper yelled.

techno was stood near the edge of the cliff that looked down onto the sea of jagged rocks. and there he was, tommy. he was clinging desperately to the edge. to weak to pull himself back up.


'please be quick.' tommy whined.

phil had gone to grab a rope and quickly came back carrying one from the lifeguard tower.

'okay i'm gonna throw this down to you toms!' phil said, lowering the rope to tommy, 'okay so i want you to loop it around your wrists and then make sure it's tight and we'll pull you up.' he shouted down.

tommy did so, looking up again to see what they would do.

'okay, techno you pull the rope with me, wilbur you grab tommy as soon as you can get him well enough.'

techno and phil pulled it hard, tommy lifting from his position. tommy was almost up past his chest when the rope started to break.

'GRAB HIM!' phil screamed.

wilbur grabbed tommy under his arms and then techno grabbed wilbur to stop him from being dragged down. the three of them eventually all landing on top of each other on the ground.

tommy sobbed, grateful that he no longer had to hold on for dear life like he previously had to.

'you're safe toms.' wilbur whispered with relief, 'you're okay i got you.' he reassured the shaking boy, squeezing him tighter.

phil and techno moved in front of them, crouching so they could see tommy.

'i-i just wanted to post something to tubbo.' tommy sobbed.

'shhhh shh, it's okay tommy.' phil whispered, stroking his hair

'all that matters is that you're safe.'

i have really big exams soon and i'm so scared i'm gonna fail the only thing i'm good at is english like i always get A but maths and science is just a no from me i actually am so useless at it it's embarrassing.

if i don't get good enough grades i won't get into the school i want and my best friend is so smart she definitely will but istg i better not disappoint everyone.

i hope you've had a good day!! :)

author <3

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