Just a kid vampire Au part 2- tommy

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my eyes shot open, i sat up from where i was laying. the room i was in was dark ish but i could see light streaming through the gaps in the curtains.

why was i asleep in the day time?

actually why was i in a house?

i looked around again. trying to jog my memory. i felt a tingling in my neck so i moved my hand to it.

and then it hit me. i remembered everything. first how i had been lifted like a dead weight and then ran through the hall and then... and then...

and then he turned me. wait. does that mean i'm a v- i'm one of them now?

surely not. i mean... i was just the kid who stole off the streets... the kid with no family... the kid who was unlucky... the kid people would be beaten up... i- i was just a kid.

the door opened and i snapped out of my contemplation.

'hey tommy, you remember me?'
'wilbur?' i remembered his name from before.
'yeah that's right!' he said enthusiastically, he walked closer to me, 'can i sit here?' he motioned to the big double bed i was laying in.
'yeah.' i said.
he sits on the bed next to me. 'do you remember when i visited you?' he said.
'you told me about the blood god. and you sang me a song.' i said, a smile spreading across my face.
'awww toms you're so sweet, that was years ago i'm surprised you still remember.' he looked happy, 'how does your neck feel? he asked, 'i know that was a horrible experience but i promise being a vampire isn't all that bad.' he said, 'there is one more thing you'll have to do which you probably won't like but this one won't hurt.'
'what is it?' i asked.
'you have to drink blood.'
a shiver ran down my spine. 'n-no i don't want to.' my eyes watered, tears threatening to spill as i thought of drinking the blood of an innocent human.
'hey, hey, it'll be okay.' wilbur whispered softly. he pulled me to his chest. i was shaking pretty bad, and my mouth had started to hurt. 'owww.' i whined.
wilbur lifted my head slightly and moved my lip. 'ooh your teeth are coming through!' he said excitedly. 'this will hurt toms but it doesn't last long.'
the pain in my teeth had spread to my head and jaw now. 'wilby it hurts.' i cried. he pulled me closer and started to sing the same song he had sang to me on the streets. as he neared the end of the song, my eyes grew heavy and tired. and eventually i fell asleep.


i look down at tommy after i finish singing, his eyes are closed gently. i pick him up, careful not to knock him. i bring him to the lounge were phil and techno are chatting.

'he's still asleep?' phil asked worriedly.
'no no he was awake before but his teeth started coming through and he was in pain so i sang to him and he fell asleep again.' i replied.
'oi that's not fair.' techno said fake annoyed.
'what'd you mean that's not fair?' i asked.
'why'd you get to be the good guy? he's gonna hate me now.' techno huffed
'well, i mean you did paralyse him and then not say a word when he woke up. that's not my problem.' i smirked.
techno stood up and jokingly chucked his book at me. but it didn't hit me, it hit tommy.
the poor boy woke up with a jolt, rubbing his head and looking around in confusion.
'techno?!' i exclaimed.
i sat down with tommy in my lap.
phil closed his book, 'tommy did wilbur tell you what you have to do next?' he said.
'y-yeah.' tommy whispered clinging to me a little more.

phil got up and left the room, entering a couple of moment later this time holding a lidded cup with a straw in it.

he passed it to me and sat next to me and tommy, techno sitting on the other side of us. i put the straw up to tommys mouth, 'you need to drink this.' i said softly, hoping he would do so.
he shook his head aggressively, pursing his lips. 'tommy i don't want to have to do this the hard way.' techno pleaded.
but tommy didn't open his mouth. techno shook his head and took the lid and straw out of the cup. he pushed it up to tommys mouth, 'phil?' he nodded his head towards the boy. phil pinched his nose.

tommys eyes widened, his face now pale and scared just like how he had arrived. i stroked his hair and tried to comfort him, 'come on open your mouth toms it won't be bad i promise.' i said reassuringly.
the poor boy now had tears streaming down his face, he looked like he was struggling to hold his breath and a few seconds later he opened his mouth, i saw his look of horror as the blood entered his mouth. he seemed like he hated it but even though no one was forcing him anymore, he was still drinking. he finished the whole cup and then realised what he'd done.

his eyes once again went large, this time he sobbed. 'you did it!' i said congratulating him. i rocked him side to side.

'you did good mate!' phil said happily.
'yeah.' techno agreed.

tommy looked up moving his head from off my head. 'what are you doing to do with me now?' he sniffled.
'what'd you mean?' phil asked.
'well, what if i attack someone while i'm on the street.' he said worriedly.
'oh tommy' phil chuckled, 'we won't let you live there now silly! you're part of the family. did you really think this whole time that we would just turn you and then drop you back off?'
'yeah tommy.' techno replied.



please that was so dramatic lol
anyways. i've finished this one shot. butttt i mean i could make a part three if you guys want? it wouldn't have any major plot twists but perhaps they could go hunting with tommy for the first time or if you guys have any good ideas?

author <3

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