Chapter 2 demon attack

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Sean and luna turned and there are demons appearing so sean and luna pull there weapons out and the torn prince and the jackal appeared and thay prepared to fight as thay stood there ground the demons came running and luna slashed his stomach and blood poured out and his intestines came out all over the floor and sean beheaded a demon and blood sprayed everywhere as the jackal slashed and tore the demon up and blood was spraying and the torn prince bashed the head with his bat and thay fell blood everywhere and demon body's all over the place and the walls are bloody the floors are bloody and the demons ran as thay did thay seen Cyrus and sean ran after him as he ran and luna ran after sean after he trapped him in a corner luna came and stood next to him.

Sean and luna knew that it was bad thay did not take any shit from Cyrus andcthay trted to strike him down but dissappeared into a vortex and thay went back to the the mainhall and the dead body's where not there as if the attack did not happen.

The torn prince luna this is different from everyhing we have seen before.

Jackal yes much different we where possessed by the curse this has nothing to do with the curse.

Luna yes I know but even if you did not we still need help me and sean can't do it by ourselves hannah and Sarah should be here.

The first born child no thay don't we are you alliance now you can count on us.

Luna what do you mean.

Sean ya what do you mean .

Juggernaut it means the ghost you fought right.

Luna ok.

Juggernaut we where affected by the cuse and that's what made us attack you when you killed Cyrus we where forgive by God and Jesus.

Sean ok so after the curse was broken and you where fogiven I take it you where sent down here as are back up.

Juggernaut yes you got it.

Luna I get now Cyrus was controlling you guys to do this but not all the spirits we fought where bad the Shibeto samara the nun was evil and you where being controlled buy Cyrus so after beating Cyrus you went back to normal.

The torn prince yes exactly.

Sean cool well hannah and Sarah deserve the break.

Luna and we don't.

Sean we do but after this one we will take a break.

Luna good beacuse things are going to get hard for me.

So sean and luna went to the room to rest up and thay did just that thay went ahead and went back out to the mainhall more demon came andvsean told Luna that it would be good to split and kill the demons that way she agreed.

Luna's mission

Luna went and drew her weapon and the first demon came at her and she slashed his gut open and his intestines came out all over the floor as blood poured out and the second one came at her and she beheaded it andcblood sprayed everywhere as his head rolled to the floor she ran down to the hallway and slashed thought the demon and cut him in half there was a pool of blood on the floor as she ran down and slashed thought a demon down the hallway she cut his stomach as blood poured out and it's intestines fell out there was dead body's all over the floor as she turned there was nothing she came down the hallway to find a stone looking demon the juggernaut came and told her this is one of the demon lords that run thought this mansion the demon lord swung at the juggernaut and he grabbed him and luna slashed downwards on the demon lord as it fell to one knee she kicked him to the floor as she did he dissappeared into a vortex thay went back to the mainhall.

Sean's mission

Sean ran up and hit the demon as he flew 10 feet back he grab another demon and broke its neck and the ran up to a demon and taken his dagger out and slit its side open as blood poured out and the demons kidney fell Outland he fell to the floor as sean taken his dagger and slammed it in its heart as he pulled out the dagger out as blood started to pour out and he went down the hallway and seen that there was a demon who was look big and not happy so he ran to it and the demon ran to him as sean punched him twice he went and hit him in the face to times and punched him in ghe gut and cut his hand off with his dagger as he screamed in pain he the demon dissappeared he ran back to the room where luna is as sean gets down to the first floor and went into the room and sat down and talked to luna.

Sean I found a demon that was in armor.

Luna same here i did to.

Sean what is going on here.

Luna this is not good and the juggernaut came and helped me.

Sean what are you kinding me the juggernaut help you wow I never thought he would help.

Luna ya its weid thay seid thay where cursed and as soon as we killed Cyrus it broke thd hold on them.

Sean ok so the spirits that we fought is helping us.

Luna yes that is right.

Sean ok

Luna yep.

Sean ok.

The torn prince hello guys what's up.

Luna well trying to figure out what is next first spirits now demon.

The Torn Prince dam this is getting worse and worse.

Juggernaut not good

The first born child what's going on why is everyone having fun without me.

So thay thought of a way on how to get rid of the demons that are there thay tryed to figure out on what thay

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