Chaper 27 The End

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As Sean gets the C4 ready plants it on the left and right side of the wall and gets out of there as he goes and runs through the maze he puts to to the north on each end as he Sean runs thought the maze to get to the lower left and right he gets there're it was nothing as he puts C4 in the lower corners and runs into the center of the maze to put a couple of C4 in the center as he puts a hole In the wall to place the C4 he runs to level 2 and places the C4 where it is needed and left then he goes to level on and place C4 in all the work stations and left the lab as he went to the ballroom and placed c4 on all the pillers the in the red chamber he went and placed c4 there to then the last 2 bunch of c4 goes in the middle of the room as he goes and gets the stick out and flips the lid up and turns on the c4 he runs out as he does he moves away from the mansion.

Then he pushed the button and blew up the mansion as it was destroyed everyone cleared for sandy sean and bobby as thay went back to the castle thay got it to the point where thay could rest up and call it that.

*25years later*

Sean hey princess daddy kiss I love you daddy love you mom kiss.

So raven gers a call from a man telling her to come to Japan there is z problem and only you can stop it now so raven tells her mom and dad she would like to go to Japan and that it is very important as sean and luna seid yes she kissed her mom and dad hood bye and looked at them and told them how she wishes star was here with here .

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