chapter 19 demon battle 2

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So sean sandy and bobby seen that Horace and royce was fighting demons and Bobby appeared to the left and punched the demon as blood and teath was coming out    of its mouth after being punched and sandy slashed the demon in its back and sean slashed the demons backside and blood poured out and thay feel to the ground when thay hit the ground sandy and sean stabbed them both killing them and bobby punched the demons head into brain paste  as blood was all over the place Horace and Royce thanked them for the help as thay where trying to build there stanama up there was more demons coming and Ryan and George appeared and Horace and Royce went into the ballroom room and thay prepared to fight two demons came for George and he broke there necks as 3 demons came for ryan as he slashed them and ripping them up and 4 demons came for sean andche slashed the four of them and blood and intestines fell out thay fell to the floor and burned up.

There was 6 demons coming after sandy as sean seen that he killed 3 of them and sandy killed 3 of them two demons came for Bobby and he used a power that thay never seen before as it it blasted a new wave of light energy that disintegrated the demons into ash and then went to the  hallway and found a hidden passage way to some kind of shrine and looked to be a dark and bloody hallway that is going to be hard to go though it's not good beacuse the walls look like thay are closing in on them but thay are not it is a illusion and thay thought it is playing tricks on there mind as thay got to the end of the hallway thay seem a blue card key sandy picked it up and looked at it it says lab first floor key.

Sandy first floor card key.

Sean yes it is the key card to the first floor that takes you down to the second floor.

Sandy wow.

Bobby wait there is a second floor dang.

Sean ya its bigger then the first floor.

Sandy how big is it.

Sean very big.

Sandy bigger the the ballroom.

Sean it a 75 by 64 floor.

Sandy what omg that is big.

Sean yes it is.

Sandy this is going to be hard to explore the whole thing.

Sean ya it is.

Bobby this is bad if it's that big.

Horace we will help.

Ryan ya no worries we are here.

Royce yes thats right we are here to help.

Billy no worries we can help big time.

Sandy thank you.

Bobby thank you.

Sean thank you.

Sean sandy and bobby herd a noise in the ballroom and went in and seen that there is many demons waiting to fight and not taking no for a anwser.

Demon battle 1

Sean slashed the first demon blood and intestines pourd out as sandy slashed the second and third demons head's off there shoulder's and bobby appeared in front of two demons and smashed there heads in the wall as blood poured out and appeared in front of the three demons and punch kicked and used a light blade to finish them off ass sean had slashed throw four demons and spilt there stomach's open blood and intestines fell out sandy ran and slashed throw ten demons as she cut five of them in half as blood and intestines poured out and five lost there heads and blood sprayed everywhere the demons retreated.

So sean sandy and bobby went and sat down and rested up as thay where so a knock at the door and it was hannahand she told sean what is going on with luna.

Hannah sean I have news for you this is somthing very important to listen to this and I thought it was impossible but what ever you did you made the impossible to possible.

Sean wow really what is it.

Hannah luna has 2 babies not one you are a father of two girls sean two girls.

Sean what twins or two separate girls.

Hannah two separate girls sean you are a father of two girls that are not twins you must be some type of God.

Sean no i am not a god I human.

Hannah well thank you sean.

Sean for what.

Hannah for giving me two niece's that are going to be gorgeous.

Sean you welcome hannah.

So hannah asked sean what is the names of his daughters are and sean told her that the names are raven and star and hannah went back home and thay went to thd ballroom agian and thay walked in thay seen more demons and as thay drew there weapons thay new the price to pay for fighting Bobby felt a strong power as he shouts his hair started to turn blue and red as sean and sandy seen the power as he grow so did his power and it was verry powerful that he had destroyed all the demons as blood went all over the place it got messy and it turned out to be a war zone for everyone as thay went forth to the far part of the of the manor to find the golden key.

Sean we have to more demons to deal with before zozo.

Sandy right

Bobby I hate this.

Sandy you hate what.

Bobby zozo.

Sean ya me to.

Ryan boy I thought you did not have a single hate bone in your body.

Royce ya you don't have a hate bone In your body hahaha.

Ryan hahahaha.

Sean ya real funny guys let's just move on we have got to get the golden key.

Sandy Sean's right we can't wast time here talking about things like hate bones guys we have a demon we need to kill.

Ryan ya ya.

So sean sandy and bobby went downstaires to the basement to see if things are looking up to standards and the it was not .

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