Chapter 3 Demon Lord kenak

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Luna and sean went out of the room and all of a sudden thay seen a red vortex with black lines and a demon lord came out and he pointed his weapon to sean and luna and he shot dark energy at them and blew them back and thay hit the wall thay got up and the jackal appeared and the juggernaut appeared.

And the demon lord told them his name was kenak the wicked one as thay stood against him sean luna the jackal and thd juggernaut had there guard up and had to get ready for the fightvof there lives the kenak slashed and the juggernaut acted as a shield and protected them and the torn prince smashed the kenak's head in with his bat and he bounced back and and swung at him he thrown the torn prince back to the wall the jackal slashed kenak back ad he turned around and knocked out the jackal and sean jump and punched the demon lord kenak and he flew back 4 feet away and luna jumped and slashed kenak luna got grabbed and sean punch kenak in the stomach.

And luna stabbed him the jackal slashed him in the legs juggernaut put him up on the wall and slamed him on the ground and the torn prince smashed his head as blood came out of kenak's legs arm and thr left side of his head he wentvback to the vortex as he did he dissappeared.

Luna is everyone ok.

Sean ya.

Jackal ya.

Torn Prince ya.

Juggernaut ya.

So everyone was ok and luna told them to come back to the room and discuss how to send the demons back to hell as thay sat down thay went thought and looked at the options thay had and thay used what thsy learned to think about what to and as soon as thay did the first born child came in and told there is a transformation that has black armor on and he is got horn's so luna and sean went outside of the room and pulled out there weapons andcgot ready to fight .

Kenak you won't get away with this.

Luna your going to pay.

Sean you won't get away with this.

Kenak no sister Luna looks like your sister and her girlfriend is not here poor baby.

Sean shut up kenak.

Luna you should not be talking about hannah and sarah I will kill you.

Kenak no you wont we will just to

So luna and sean drew there weapons and prepared to fight the torn prince and the juggernaut appeared to help sean and luna and the first born son and thd jackal appeared and surrounded kenak.

Kenak your not strong enough to defeat me.

Luna maybe not know but we will be.

Sean that's right.

Torn Prince your going to pay for this.

Jackal ahhhhhhhhh hahahahaha.

Kenak what the hell is his problem.

First Born Son your in for it now.

As kenak was about to slash the jackal a shadow woman came she moved fast and nobody seen a shadow line like that and another one came through to as sean looked to the left and luna looked to the right thay seen two figures thay stepped out.

Luna hannah.

Sean Dana.

Hannah hey sis glad to know you alive I am not leving you two arch angles separated no way.

Sean glade you and hannah could make it.

Dana glade to be here.

Hannah sarah baby come out.

Sarah here i am you demon assholes are going to die.

Luna Sarah is here to great.

???? And me two.

???? And me as well we are a team and we will always be a team.

????ya we are.

Sean Dennis Cole Jean hey luna the whole team is here.

Kenak no matter how many of you are I will end you all.

So Hannah slashed him as blood sprayed out of his leg and Jean thrown daggers cutting his chest blood dripping out Cole slashed himin the arm and blood poured out sean and luna both punched him as he fell to his knees he dissappeared in the red vortex.

Dennis what are thay doing here.

Hannah I will deal with them right now.

Luna no thay are not here to hurt us thay where cursed.

Dana what you mean luna.

Luna come to the room and I will tell you about it.

5 minutes later

Hannah ohhhh ok so thay where like Dana here she was cursed by the curse.

Luna yes.

Dana I get it now

First Born Son how is everything with you guys .

Cole good but thay should have told us.

Jean my family would love to help out would you mind.

Luna no not at all the more the Marrero.

Jean ok I will call them.

So thay where waiting to find out what is going on and waiting for jeans family and there was a knock on the door Jean opened the door it was her family.

???? Mom who are these people.

???? Ya who are thay mom.

???? Honey I don't know these people and thay seem kind of suspicious to me.

Torn Prince hey hey calm down thay are verry kind people.

???? What him it's him the one from your uncles house dad.

???? Yes I remember him.

???? You stay away from me.

Jackal hey don't worrie not going to hurt you.

???? My name is luna this is Sarah my sister hannah Cole Dana Dennis sean.

???? Hi I am Bobby and this is my sister Kathy and my dad.

So Cyrus had appeared and was about to attack Kathy and the jackal grabbed Cyrus and was thrown back 10 feet as he ran and pushed him into the juggernaut and he throw him to the ceiling and then slamed him down to thd floor blood dripped out of Cyrus.

And hannah went an jumped and taken her sias out and came down cutting Cyrus in his shoulders as he ran of Sarah grabbed her and nodded her head side to side and she put her sai's away and and thay went back to the room

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