Chapter 21 The Red Cave

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Sean sandy and bobby went to the red chamber and found a hidden passage and fond that it went down to a red cavern and thay seen another of blood bones and intestines there was evil down in the cavern that looked around and did not like what they seen it was not good as they seen it was bad that had to run out of the red cave it was not good that felt unsafe.

Sean this is not good I have never seen this shit before.

Royce I don't think this is good.

Sandy no its not.

George ya it's not good man this is bullshit bro this things are going crazy.

Billy dang this is not good.

God your getting close to ending this journey you three are doing good.

Jesus your doing great all three of you.

Sean thank you.

Sandy thank you.

Bobby thank you.

God Horace Ryan royce George and Billy your doing good as well all of you are doing a wonderful job helping out with this.

Jesus so proud of all of you and those who helped you out as well Luna and Sean has got two daughters and you are doing everything you can to protect them.

Sean yes I know.

So Sean herd a noise and looked around and drew his weapon and was ready for anything and as he seen Lilith he ran after her as he did she lead him to a dead end and she went into the room at the end and he went in there as well he got in and the door slammed shut and as Sean thought of Luna and his girls he did not want them to go thought this as Luna and Hannah's dad tried to stop it for them.

Battle with Lilith

Lilith shot dark energy at Sean and he rolled out of the way and slashed at her he ran up to her and slashed downwards and he cut her and she scratched him and he slashed her leg and she fell to one knee and he slashed her on the back as she got hurt she did not noticed the blood all of the floor and  trying to get up but couldn't so she crawled to the red vortex and disappeared and the three of them went back up to the top as thay did not want to be in there no more.

Sean this is not what we need to see.

Sandy no its not.

Bobby what the heck this is under here I don't like this.

Royce I agree I hate it myself.

George we are just spirits that hopefully can be free from this bullshit I can't stand it man I just want my family back.

Billy stop complaining.

Sean I know how he feels I wznt my family as well I just can't stand not being with Luna Billy but I also know that this has to be done to I can't let the demons win George so I understand both of you.

Sandy see he understands both side's he wants his family but he knows that this needs to be done to.

Bobby same I feel the same way.

Sean I know you do Bobby I know you do.

Sandy same here.

Sean we can't do this alone.

Sandy no we can't we must team up with theories Ryan royce Horace and Billy.

God no you don't need that

Jesus you are fine with what you got this.

Sandy i believe you.

Sean same here I believe you.

Bobby ya I believe you to I know what you are saying is true you never lie.

So sean sandy and bobby went and thought what to do about Lilith and what to do to get this to stop this and Sean thought of something that was a good idea and thay asked him what it is Sean told them not to worrie about it that the end will be a bang and thay will love it and so thay took his word it was up to them to take Lilith out and end her so thay can get home thay went and got what thay need as the stones was shimmering as thay came together to bring the light to them as thay touched the stones thay grow stronger and stronger as if the stones where posing them up.

Sean the light I feel it.

Sandy yes I feel it to and the light is warm and powerfull.

Bobby I can feel it.

Horace what is this is so I don't know warm and loving I can feel the warmth of this light.

George this light is powerfull

Royce  yes it is I just want to go into it.

Sandy ya I know it's heaven is what you see royce.

Royce wow that place makes me want to forget the bad things I have done.

Sandy ya I know right.

Billy what's going on here I am clueless to what is going on I have been back and forth from Luna to you and I have bad news for you.

Sean what is it is luna ok.

Billy Luna is fine but she is upset and she had a misscarage.

Sean I have to go to her.

George no you can't right now sandy and bobby needs you.

Billy its ok I will stay with her ok.

Sean ...........

Sandy Sean please don't do this now please we need you.

Bobby its ok Sean Luna is ok and you have a daughter.

Vicki Sean its ok it happens you daughter is really beautiful and she will be loved

Sean hey mom I herd that I had daughter I would have died for them.

Isabelle I know Sean you daughter may be here with us but you still have raven.

Sean your right grandma your right Lilith we ate coming for you.

God way to go Sean keep up what you are doing.

So sean gained more straight from  his grandma and mother and all of a sudden his daughter who passaedway he herd baby noise  and that was his daughter as he seems his daughter crawinghe  to him and he looked at her and hugged her and told her that he loved her very much and that mommy loves her to as he walks away his daughter says mama and dadasean stops and turns and walks back to her and hugged her and closed his eye's.

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