Chapter 11 sandy vs kronok

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Sandy seen a red vortex andctold Bobby to get back that this is not a good thing that was happening so Bobby went back and protected his mom and dad he knew there was something about to come out.

Bobby there a demon lord that is going to come out of that thing sandy.

Sandy thanks Bobby.

Bobby he is more powerfull then kenak.

Sandy what are you serious now.

Bobby yes.

Kronok hahahahahaha you are going to die.

Sandy you monster.

Sandy vs kronok

Kronok throws a punch and sandy dodged it sandy swing her sword and he block it as he blocked Sandy's attack she struck him with a dagger that was hidden and she as he grabbed her by the throat Bobby hits him In his backand he falls as sandy got up and taken her sword and slashed him and came down on him and her blade andcshecslashed him in the face and then came down on his shoulder after she did that she hit him and knocked him down as he did as he got up he hit sandy and she hit the wall and she was out cold.

Bobby vs kronok

Bobby hit him and kronok went thrown and Bobby appeared tight behind him and he punched him continuously and not stopping till he bleeds and he appeared at the front door and knocked him out at the door and appeared behind them and slamed him to the floor and blood sprayed all over the place.

As sandy woke up she went by the door to see what is going on and sandy seen that Bobby banged him up and went out and Bobby got hit and his back was bleeding a bit.

Bobby and sandy vs kronok

Bobby appeared behind him and hit him in the mouth and teath and blood came out and sandy slashed kronok and he got staggered and Bobby hit him and then appeared from behind and him him agian and she slashed him in the gut as blood poured out as he got up the torn prince camecand bashed him in the head andcthe juggernaut picked him up and slamed him down as the jackal came and scratched him and he fell down and went into the red vortex and disappeared.

As he did Lilith came and told them thay where in some heavy shit that she will have to deal with it and there is many demons on there way she told them and she is not joking as she told them that there are demons on the way tomarow thay knew it was going to be bad thay had to prepare for what is to come.

So luna was still having stomach pains and she got bigger as sean told Luna that she needs to rest she did and Hanna and Sarah went upstairs to the left and looked around there was a sun key door and opened it as there thay did thay found that there is a demon as hannah slashed its hand open blood poured from its hand and Sarah shot it with 3 arrows and he fell as hannah jabbed it in its head killing it instantly Sarah looked to find a Aquarius stone.

Sarah hey the zodiac stone is here to its the Aquarius stone and a note is here as well.

Hannah how weid but let's read the note.

To thoes who are reading this
If you found the Aquarius stone you are probably wondering why it was here and in Ireland well these stones are magic stones and beacuse luna is a Aquarius that is what why it is here there is 12 zodiac signs 12 stones you must find all the zodiac stones agian and good luck you will need into get to the core.

Sarah the core we better tell luna this.

Hannah yes we better.

So the girls went back down the hallway down the stairs and into the ballroom and thay found Bobby and his family and thay want to leave so thay did Bobby stayed and and dennis Cole Dana hannah luna Dennis and sarah left with them to and sean and sandy stayed Bobby stayed as well all of a sudden a voice came down from the heaven's and told them it was thoes who stay and fight.

God you 3 are the ones who will fight and only one of you will move forward.

Jesus yes that is true.

Sean father is sandy and I two of the people that is to defeat the demon

God yes you two are the two people that is ment to fight.

Sandy who is the third person.

Jesus you mean the third and fourth and no I don't know who thay are yet.

So kronok came back and sandy Drew her weapon and andcstabbed kronok and as she did he stabbed her as well as she pulled her sword out blood sprayed everywhere as he pulled his weapon out it did not do much of anything blood poured out slowly and she got up and slashed at him and cut him deep and she used light to knock him back and she cut his arm off as blood poured out and all over the floor and he fell to the floor and disappeared.

Sean sandy and bobby went to the ballroom as sean was there he was thinking of luna so thay thought of a plain to destroy the demons and thay went and to the sun door key room and opened it as thay did its a church thay went in and thay see the torn prince the first born son and some of the other ghost yhe first born son told them that luna will be back but at the moment she needs rest but she it is going to take time don't worrie.

So thay looked around to find any items and thay as thay looked around thay found nothing but Bobby was moving to the pedestal in the front and found some switch as he pushed it thay heard a door open it was the one over to the left.

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