Chapter 45: Disturbing News

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The party began to wrap up a short while later. The only guests remaining were their closest friends and family. Arthur and Molly's steamy entrance was pushed to the back of everyone's minds, except for Trenton, who periodically poked fun at Arthur about it. Crumbs replaced the finger foods on the platters in the kitchen. As for the cake, the candles had long ago been blown out and only a few pieces were left. The Warming Charm over the garden and porches became less effective, but still kept it warm enough for people to socialize outside.

Over the past several weeks, Ron had begun to gradually let his guard down around his dad and Arthur did everything in his power to show his youngest son that things were better. So, it wasn't unusual when Arthur joined the group in the back garden where Ron animatedly relayed what happened during his and Harry's most recent Auror training.

It hadn't been long since Arthur joined when a familiar pain gripped him. He gritted his teeth and tried focusing intently on Ron as he waited for it to pass.

But it didn't.

It only grew worse. The searing of his scars intensified at the same rate as the chest pains. He rubbed at the scars on his side in an effort to relieve some of the discomfort that penetrated layers of flesh and muscle. He was only catching bits and pieces of the conversation now, but Ron's words were soon drowned out completely when a rhythmic whooshing noise that matched his racing pulse filled his ears. His heart pounded hard in his chest. A severe dizziness overcame him, and he reached out with his other hand and grabbed the nearest person's shoulder to steady himself.

Professor McGonagall looked over at him and placed her hand atop his on her shoulder. Her brows knit together in concern. "Arthur, are you alright?"

Ron stopped telling his story and eyed his father warily.

Staring at the ground in front of him, Arthur shook his head and mouthed the word, "No."

Kingsley moved to stand in front of Arthur and put a hand on his shoulder to help steady him. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Arthur glanced up at them. "Get Molly," he managed.

"I'll get Mum," Ron said without hesitation. It only took him four long strides to reach the back door.

Molly was easy to find as she was clearing away some of the empty platters on the kitchen table so more seating was available.

"Mum, Dad needs you," Ron said in the calmest voice he could muster.

"Alright, dear, I'll be out as soon as I finish this."

"No – Now."

For the first time since Ron entered, Molly looked over at him. The panic etched in his face told her everything she needed to know. She dropped what she was doing and hurried to the back door. Ron followed close behind and almost ran into her when she stopped short, turned around, and told him to get Alexander.

Ron already knew Alexander wasn't in the back. It was mostly his cousins, but Harry, Charlie, Hagrid, Desmond, and Neil were in the garden as well. So, he decided to check the sitting room first. Just as he made it to the door to the sitting room, Kingsley and Professor McGonagall were helping Arthur through the back door while Molly held it open.

Bursting through the swinging door, Ron almost plowed over Gran, but Gramps quickly put a hand out to stop his great-grandson.

"Whoa-oh-oh!" Gramps boomed. "Easy now."

"Oh – sorry," Ron said absent-mindedly as he somewhat frantically glanced around the room over Gran's head. His Aunts Margaret and Paulene chatted in front of the fire. Percy and Audrey sat snuggled together on the loveseat, more interested in each other than anything else by that point in the night. George was joking around with some of their cousins, which was good as long as it kept him distracted; while he had been doing a lot better since his twin's death, he was still extremely fragile and the family figured it best not to get him too worried, especially where their dad's condition was concerned.

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