Chapter 38: A Christmas Surprise

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On Christmas morning, Molly awoke next to Arthur. She snuggled closer to him beneath the covers after glancing over to find him fast asleep. She could stay in bed with him all day. In fact, she had the entire first half of the week; with Arthur off work for the holidays and Ginny and Harry old enough to take care of themselves, they had all the time in the world.

But Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were different. They had to get out of bed to celebrate with their family and a few close friends. Neither of them had anything against that, not at all. They both would have just liked it if they had a little more time to themselves, though.

As Molly lay next to her husband, she briefly thought about waking him, but decided not to since he'd been having so much trouble sleeping lately. Instead, she slowly got out of bed, careful not to disturb him, and began getting ready for the day. The frigid air stole any remnant of drowsiness she still felt.

"Mollywobbles," Arthur mumbled from under a pile of blankets as she was about to go downstairs.

"Oh, Arthur, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" she whispered.

He shook his head. "Come back to bed."

She braced herself on the mattress as she leaned across the bed to give him a good morning kiss "We just spent three days in bed -"

"Not yesterday."

"And I have a lot –"

Molly squealed as Arthur reached out from beneath the covers and pulled her down onto the bed before engulfing them both with the mountain of blankets. He wrapped himself around her.

"I have to make breakfast. It won't be too long before the kids wake up," she protested. George and Charlie stayed in their old bedrooms the night before since they lived alone.

"Most of our kids know how to cook."

"Bill and Fleur and Percy and Audrey are spending the morning at their own homes, and Ron is spending it with the Grangers."

"Charlie and Ginny can cook."

"And we'll have guests in a few hours – Great Aunt Muriel...and Kingsley...and Minerva...and Hagrid...and Andromeda and Teddy."

He smirked. "All I'm hearing is that we have a few hours, then."

"No, I really need to get up." She squirmed in his arms.

Arthur released her and playfully pouted. Molly fought with the blankets, but couldn't find an opening.

Arthur smirked again and waggled his eyebrows. "Can't get up if you can't find your way out."

"Arthur, what did you do? Put a never-ending blanket spell on these?" she huffed, still fighting with the blankets.

"That, my dear, was all you."

"Seriously, Arthur..."

"Seriously," Arthur chuckled, "it's because you insist on sleeping with fifty blankets."

"Five," she corrected. She crossed her arms and huffed as she gave up.

"Fifty...Five," Arthur said as he acted like he was weighing them in each hand before shrugging. He smiled. "Merry Christmas, Mollywobbles," he murmured.

"Merry Christmas, Arthur."

They pecked each other on the lips.

"How about I cook breakfast this morning while you sit in front of the fire sipping a big cup of coffee?" Arthur suggested.

"You don't have –"

"I want to," he said sincerely.

"Well, okay, then."

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