Chapter 24: Conner's Warning

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Conner's Warning

The dinner went so well it was rather late when Arthur returned to his flat, but Bill was waiting for him all the same. After a reminder from Bill that he would tell Molly about her husband's infidelity if he didn't, Arthur went without a fight.

When they arrived at the Burrow, it was clear Molly had been expecting them, but Arthur was not expecting Conner to be there as well. Arthur was unsure what was going on, but he assumed Molly wanted him to apologize not only to her, but Conner as well. Or perhaps this was another attempt at getting him to open up. In order to keep everyone happy, Arthur waited for someone else to speak first.

Sure enough, Molly started, going off into an explanation about why she had been spending so much time with Conner. There were no greetings or pleasantries or apologies from Molly or the Irishman. The more Molly spoke, the less Arthur wanted to hear. He had already gotten a heads up from Bill about Molly divulging all their personal problems to the stranger, but it sounded like they met up two or three times a week to not only talk about his and Molly's marital problems and things that should stay between spouses, but their kids and the most random, trivial things.

His wife and this stranger had become friends! And close friends at that.

When Molly finished speaking, Conner held out his hand as he introduced himself, but Arthur was not interested in meeting the man his wife spent more and more time with. Instead, Arthur crossed his arms and stood at his full height, still not as tall as the other man.

"Stay away from my wife," Arthur demanded, determined to put a stop to whatever this friendship was bound to turn into. "That means no owls, no bumping into her anywhere, no meeting for tea or lunch, and especially no coming to my house. No contact in any way. Do I make myself clear?"

"Arthur, I have no ulterior motives. I - " Conner began, showing no signs of intimidation.

"- It is a yes or no question," Arthur interrupted. "Keep away from my wife, understand?"

"All I'm trying to do is help this kind, caring woman who you treat like shit. You need -"

"Arthur!" Molly shrieked.

Arthur's fist connected with Conner's jaw before he could finish his sentence. He got a couple more blows in before the stronger, taller man caught his wrists in a tight grip, but not without getting a broken nose himself. Struggling, Arthur failed to break free. He couldn't help himself. This man had no right to talk about him or his wife. He was an outsider and did not know what was going on with this family. Seriously, who did this guy think he was? What was his game? No one would do what he had without wanting something in return.

"Dad, don't make me stun you," Bill warned, exasperated, lazily pulling out his wand. Of course something like this was bound to happen.

Arthur stopped struggling, but Conner didn't let go and continued from where he was cut off. "You need to stop this, Arthur. Otherwise, you will destroy your marriage to a woman who you still obviously love even though you haven't been showing it. Stop this now or you will regret it," he warned, referring to his own past experience. Conner let go of his wrists. "Trust me."

Molly asked the Irishman if he was alright and healed the cut on his cheek while apologizing for her husband's behavior before walking him out. It seemed like none of this affected Conner though. It was strange. What kind of person was content and held no ill will after being attacked like that?

The way Conner reacted and how his wife seemed to fawn over this stranger only increased Arthur's suspicions. Completely ignoring him and his broken nose, she immediately went over to Conner. Never in their lives had Molly preferred another man over Arthur unless it was one of their kids. Feeling like yesterday's trash would have been ten times better than how Arthur felt right now.

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