Chapter 16: Giving Up

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Ginny ducked into a side street of Hogsmeade when she saw the trademark Weasley-red hair. Knowing it wouldn't take long for the inhabitants of the Burrow to notice she was missing, she had been on high alert the moment she left. In the past couple hours, she had searched Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic, successfully evading every red head and raven-haired boy she saw. The youngest Weasley understood the seriousness of what had happened between her parents, and while she didn't want to cause any more trouble, she had to get away from the Burrow and her idiotic brothers.

Having run into a dead end everywhere else, Ginny entered the Hog's Head. She had come here last due to the unfriendly atmosphere and unsavory clientele; however, this was the place she should have begun with, seeing as her quarry was at the opposite end of the bar.

"Dad!" Ginny called as she made her way through the somewhat crowded pub.

Arthur took a calming breath as he heard his daughter's voice, then downed the rest of his drink. Perhaps it was his imagination. No one he knew, other than Hagrid, would be anywhere near this place. That theory was quickly proven wrong as Ginny came to sit on a stool next to him.

"Ginny, what are you doing here?" Arthur asked in an even tone.

"I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Why?" This time a hint of harshness accompanied the question.

"I know the whole story now, and I don't want anything to do with Mum," Ginny explained.

Arthur ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. "Please tell me you're not alone."

"Technically, I'm not. I'm with you now."

"For Merlin's sake, Ginny! You can't go roaming around by yourself with dark wizards still loose. At least you told someone where you were going, right?"

"No," Ginny answered apprehensively.

At that, Arthur stood, laid some coins on the counter, and grabbed Ginny.

"Where are we going?" Ginny exclaimed.

"I'm taking you home," he answered before calling out their destination into the green flames, not giving his daughter a chance to protest.

As soon as the two stepped out of the fireplace at the Burrow, Ginny began arguing and Arthur bellowed, "Molly!"

Having seen the hands move on the Weasley family clock and having heard the fireplace roar to life, it only took Molly a second before she came rushing into the kitchen.

"Oh, Ginny, thank goodness you're alright," the Weasley matriarch fussed over her daughter, ignoring her husband.

"Molly, why was our daughter wandering around by herself in the middle of the night?" Arthur was livid.

"I was not wandering about," Ginny mumbled.

This time ignoring her daughter, Molly stood at full height and replied, "The kids had a row, and she slipped out while I was dealing with the boys."

"Ginny, go to your room. Your mother and I need to talk," Arthur ordered.

"No," Ginny countered. "I may be with you on this, but I still don't trust you around her, especially since I found you in a pub."

"Ginny, go to your room," Molly commanded.

Reluctantly, Ginny stalked off.

Wanting to make sure her daughter was out of earshot before continuing, Molly decided to let the others know Ginny was home. "Send your patronus to Bill, Percy, George, and Harry. I'll get the rest," Molly told her husband.

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