Chapter 17

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A/N: I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I finally got all 8 HP movies so I can watch whenever I want. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Thank you for all the reviews. In the last chapter, I didn't mean for Ginny to come across as a rash brat, but it is all how you interpret it (That is why I like stories more than movies, you get to use your imagination). And Molly and Arthur are my OTP also. Arthur is actually my favorite character in the series, believe it or not.

I don't have a title for this chapter yet, so if y'all have any ideas that would be a great help.

That being said, here is Chapter 17! Hope y'all enjoy! I love getting feedback, good or bad.

On his morning break two days later, Percy walked briskly through the halls of the Ministry. After his father stormed out of the Burrow, Percy had not had the chance to speak with him, seeing as he never came back to the flat. Percy slowed down as he approached and entered the office for the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts.

"Good morning," the young redhead greeted the two occupants before taking a seat across from Arthur.

Perkins returned his greetings; however, Arthur did not. He knew this would not be a friendly visit from his son, and Percy did not hesitate to make that known.

"You haven't been back to the flat. Where did you go? I've been worried."

"That's my business," Arthur quickly responded.

Not wanting this conversation to turn into an argument before he got to the real reason he was there, Percy let it go and then asked, "Are you going to the flat tonight?"

Arthur sighed. "I don't know, Percy."

"I need a definite answer so I know to make you dinner or not."

"Don't bother."

A moment of silence passed before Percy decided to move on to the first order of business. "You're going to the joke shop's grand reopening Saturday, aren't you?"

"It depends on what I have planned."

"George really wants you there. He won't say it, but George wants you there more than anyone else. He doesn't need his sister, or brothers, or even his mother there. He needs his father," Percy stated.

"What if I have to work?"

"You can spare thirty minutes for your son. No matter how busy you've been, you have always found time for your kids."

"Are you going to be like this all the time if I stay with you?" Arthur asked bluntly.

"What?" Percy replied, taken aback.

"You had said no questions asked, yet here you are asking questions, nagging, and telling me what to do. If you're going to do this all the time, then I'll be getting my things tonight so I don't have to put up with it."

"No one has seen or heard from you in two days...You know what, I don't even know why I'm still going to help you. It was all miscommunication why I wasn't told – Hold on. Wait. I do know. I don't want to see you on the streets or living out of your office because that's pathetic."

"You know what's pathetic?" Arthur came back. "Thirty years thrown away and siblings turning against each other because of their parents! That is pathetic."

"You're the one that brought all that on!" Percy countered, standing up.

"It may have started with me, but when I tried opening up that cunt wouldn't listen! So it's her fault now!" Arthur hollered.

Turning to the older, white-haired man, Percy asked, "Perkins, do you mind?" The man gladly made himself scarce.

Leaning on the desk, Percy got an inch from his dad's face and lowered his voice. "Are you drunk or have you gone completely mad? Even in the state you've been in, you wouldn't call Mum something like that."

Arthur leaned back in his chair. "It's not affecting my ability to work."

Straightening back up, Percy ran his fingers through his hair. "That's against Ministry policy!"

"I rarely drink at work," the older Weasley calmly replied.

"Either way, if Minister Shacklebolt finds out, you'll get sacked, and you can't afford that."

"The only way Kingsley -"

"- Minister Shacklebolt -' Percy interrupted.

"- would find out is if you told him, Mr. Undersecretary."

Percy began pacing around the small room. His father was putting him in a tough spot, having to choose between his dad and the Ministry.

"So, are you going to tell him?" Arthur asked after a few minutes.

Sighing, Percy made his decision, not directly choosing between either. "I won't lie if he asks."

"If I were anyone else, you would tell Kingsley immediately. You're not going to tell him just because I'm your dad," Arthur accused.

All Percy could do was shrug.

"I don't need your help, or anyone else's for that matter." Arthur didn't want special treatment from anyone for any reason. "I'd much rather deal with everything by myself! Your brothers understand that and hopefully your sister does too now, so why is it so difficult for you to understand?"

"I've already lost three years with you! I don't want to miss any more! I hate seeing you like this, but I'd rather have to see you in your worst time than not see you at all. Plus, I want to help...Let me help."

"I don't need help. There's nothing wrong!" Arthur's voice and temper rose as he stood abruptly.

"There's nothing wrong? Have you seen yourself recently? Have you seen what you're doing to yourself? How everything is falling apart? And what you did at the Burrow was completely uncalled for! I don't care what you think. This all leads back to you. Everything that has happened is no one else's fault but your own. You need to figure out what's going on before you hurt anyone else.

"And apparently I'm the only one that understood what Ginny said the other night. I know people won't be the same. I know no one can change the past. Believe me, if that were possible, I would go back to before I disowned my family, I would go back and save Fred, but I can't. I accept that and I have to live with that. We all have to live with our mistakes and what has taken place in the past. It seems like only Ginny, George, and I understand that. You and Mum should get that too. You are both older and have lived through more than we have. No one - Nothing can help until you've gotten that through your thick skull. I can't help. Mum can't help. Bill can't help. Booze can't help."

Arthur spoke more calmly now, but no less fierce. "No, I understand all that. I understand all that perfectly. That is not what I have an issue with."

"Well, what do you have an issue with?"

"Like I said, I tried opening up -"

Percy quickly interrupted. "Are you sure you chose the right opportunity? As I heard it, you tried talking to her when you were plastered. How is she supposed to believe anything you say when you are drunk?"

"It's her turn to take a step. I did what I could. Whatever decision she makes now is not my fault. Whatever happens from this point forward is not. My. Fault. Now, if that's all you have to say, get out."

Not moving. Percy glared at his father.

"Get out," Arthur repeated through gritted teeth. This time Percy turned on his heel and rushed out of the office. Seeing his father like this hurt him more than he would let on. He knew that if Arthur was sober, that conversation would have gone very differently.

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