Chapter 6: The Prodigal Son

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Arthur checked if the Leaky Cauldron had any rooms, but they were also full. Tom, the bartender, had said all the Muggle inns in the area were full too, so Arthur didn't bother checking them.

Having no clue as to where he would go, Arthur set off down Diagon Alley, watching his feet as he walked. Diagon Alley had been restored and most shops had opened back up, but most were closed for the night and the cobblestoned street contained a trickle of shoppers and people going home from work.

When he finally stopped and looked up, he saw that he had walked all the way down to the joke shop. It looked odd being dark and closed up, not touched for weeks. He wondered if George would ever be able to go back now that Fred was gone. It was difficult for him to even stand there, so he set off again before his thoughts and the sight of the joke shop got to be too much.

Arthur wasn't looking where he was going when he bumped into a young man with red hair and glasses.

Arthur looked up distractedly at the stranger. "Oh, excuse me."

It took a minute for each to register who they were seeing. Once they realized who the other was, their attitudes changed immediately, and both stood tall and rigid.

"Father," Percy said pompously, giving a curt nod.

"Percy," Arthur replied with a stiff tone.

He began to walk away when Percy's voice stopped him.

"Wait...D-Dad is it too late?" Percy hated how childish his voice sounded then.

Arthur turned slowly, taken aback, to face his son. " called me Dad." Percy hadn't called him that since he was in his third year at Hogwarts. The past few years it had always been Father. Arthur hated it every time Percy called him Father.

Percy nodded.

He studied his son before asking, "Is what too late?"

"Coming back. I was stupid and a git. You were right – all of you were right. I've regretted leaving, and I've been wanting to come back, but I've always felt it was too late. Almost everyone in the family has almost died since then and Fred –" Percy swallowed hard and finished quietly "- Fred did."

"No, it's not too late. Son, it would never be too late. You should've known that."

Percy walked over to his Dad and they held each other in a tight embrace, tears springing to both of their eyes.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I really am. I-I love you."

"I love you too, Son. I played a part in all of this too, so it was as much my fault as it was yours."

They both hastily wiped their eyes when they pulled back.

"How's everyone holding up, by the way?"

"It's been rough." Arthur cleared his throat. "Especially on George."

"And Mum?"

"Well, you know you're mother. She's been keeping busy, trying to distract herself."

"What about you?"

"I'm fine," Arthur replied unconvincingly.

Percy nodded, though not believing his father.

After a short, awkward silence, Percy asked, "Are you alright?" gesturing to Arthur's bloodied face, stretched shirt, and the black bag he was carrying.

"Yes – I mean, I'll be fine." He waved off Percy's concern.

"Will you tell me what happened? Why you're out here so late. Why you're carrying a bag."

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