Chapter 15

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*POV Hinata*

It was Friday morning so the day to leave for the training camp. We wanted to start at 10 am. Right now it was 6 am. I got up and looked for the bag I wanted to take with me. Kageyama went downstairs and ate breakfast.

I packed some pants and underwear. Then I had a shirt in my hands, that I often wore to practice. I thought for a while but put it away. Instead I grabbed some long sleeve shirts for practice. And of course I packed some things for the night.

Then my sight fell to the little box that I packed yesterday. I took it and put it in my bag. Inside a side pocket so that no one saw it immediately. Suddenly Kageyama was behind me and asked what that was. Since I couldn't speak I typed the word on my phone "Emergency bag".He looked contently and went to the kitchen again and seemed to expect me to follow him.

I stood up quickly and packed my charger as well as my phone in the bag. Then I followed him. Emergency bag. It wasn't technically a lie. It was meant for emergencies. If I had a panic attack or the urge to hurt myself. Like emergencies.

When I arrived at the kitchen Kageyama looked hopeful to the for me prepared food. I tried. I tried so hard to eat but I couldn't. I hurried to the toilet again and threw up. I was so sorry to do all of this to Kageyama.

We left the house on time for school. The school was actually closed today, because of some meeting. But luckily this didn't affect mr Takeda, so that we could use this time to leave. When we arrived everyone except Noya was there already. At some point he arrived and then we left. I sat next to Kageyama and looked out of the window the whole ride, while I listened to music.

A few seats in front of us sat Daichi and Sugawara. After about half of the ride Sugawara fell asleep and leaned on Daichi's shoulder. Daichi, who didn't want to wake him up, grabbed his hand to hold him. After that he fell asleep too. Of course some pictures were taken of this, mostly by Tanaka, and send to the WhatsApp group. When the two of them woke up and saw the pictures they turned completely red. Normally I'd have teased them with Tanaka and Noya but I dind't want to.

When we arrived Kuroo and Kenma already waited in front of their school. Of course Kenma stared onto his game until the bus stopped and opened the doors. I went to Kenma of course and hugged him while he happily called my name. Kuroo looked at me weird when i didn't yell back. They weren't used to something like this from me.

I got my bag and went with Kenma to the sleeping rooms. Behind us we could hear Daichi and Kuroo talk. They talked about me.

K: "Hey what's wrong with you energy freak? He's so quiet, I haven't heard a word from him yet!"

D: "Ah yea There was a little incident and now he can't talk anymore. But we are sure his voice will come back soon when he's feeling better and he... overcomes this."

K: "Hm I understand."

After that they changes subject and I didn't listen anymore. I think Kuroo didn't want to interfere because he noticed how serious Daichi saw this. I was thankful that Daichi didn't tell Kuroo anything. Not because i didn't trust Kuroo or anything but more because I didn't want to hear it. If Daichi wanted to talk about it then please when I couldn't hear it.

After we got to the sleeping room I quickly secured the mattress back in the corner. After Kenma and me Kageyama arrived too and put his bag on the mattress as if it was normal next to mine. I was so thankful for this.

Since we only started in the afternoon, every team decided to go to the beach. We didn't have a real practice today yet but the trainers immediately agreed since we could also play on the beach volleyball court. I started to panic a little. The bruises were nearly gone, except for a few ones, like the one under my eye. But the recently made bruises obviously couldn't heal yet. The others didn't know about them.

So I got changed into my swim clothes, but over it I wore my team jacket. The others were confused and tried to persuade me to take it off but I only looked helpless to Kageyama, Sugawara and Daichi. I just hope they would think I only wore the jacket because of the bruises from my birth giver since they didn't know that they were healed already. Well like half of them, obviously the cuts didn't but only they wouldn't take the attention of the others.

The 3 of then actually helped me with telling the others that I felt unwell without the jacket and would still wear it because of it. Most of them looked at me weirdly but left it at that. They still tried to persuade me that it was to hot but not as persistent anymore. We had more courts so more teams could play at the same time.

We played first against Nekoma. The others went onto the court. Kenma asked if I wouldn't come too so of course I went with him. Of course I knew that I wasn't allowed to play but I hoped the others wouldn't notice. Sadly I was wrong because as soon as I stood on the court Sugawara yelled loudly and took the attention of both teams.


I knew exactly why he did this but before I could move Daichi came.

D: "Hinata down of the court! You know it exactly, no volleyball until Monday! And you can't discuss there even with your voice! Your doctor said you're not allowed to so don't do it!"

Everyone was confused, at least after Daichi had to yell about the doctor. But of course he was right. I could be happy to be able play again on Monday at all. So I went down of the court and sat down at the side and watched the others. Everyone looked at me and I felt uncomfortable. I just wanted to go away right now and make my lines. But Daichi interfered again and told the others to start playing. I wanted too.

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