Chapter 20

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*POV Sugawara*

It was morning. Daichi and I were still in the sleeping rooms while the others were eating already. Yesterday night the party happened. I could exactly remember what happened last night. As I thought about it I smiled at my boyfriend who gave me smilingly a kiss on the forehead. Next to us Hinata lied in Kageyamas arms and looked at us curious. Of course he immediately demanded us to tell him what happened last night. So I told him what exactly happened.

~Last night before Daichi and Sugawara suddenly disappeared~

I did drink a little already. I wasn't drunk but i felt more safe and more brave. Because even thought I often appear as open and fearless in reality I fought with bad self-doubting. Those were right now completely gone. I went outside to think a little. I just wanted to enjoy this moment where i didn't have to overthink everything a thousand times but everything was just so easy. I closed my eyes. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard Daichi's voice.

D: "Hey, everything okay?"

He looked so good and I was touched he noticed my absence. Right now I felt no fear or scruples. I felt like I could do anything. I only thought about Daichi. He was so beautiful all of the time, I loved him so much. I was just so overwhelmed by all of my emotions. I wanted to finally tell him. I dared to tell him right now. Before i could even think further I just started talking.

S: "I have to tell you something."

I took a little break to see if he actually cared about what I was about to say. He listened to me so I continued.

S: "So... You're such a beautiful person, you always gave me strength with your way when i wanted to give up. You believed in me when i couldn't. I'm just so thankful for you, how can a person even be as beautiful as you I don't even deserve you but i still want to tell you I-"

D: "Suga..."

S: "No I am serious, please listen to me before you judge me for my words I love you I love you so much, for a long time now. It already hurts when I see you with your beautiful way that you enchant me with, because I know you will never be mine. I know that but I still wanted to tell you. Please don't hate me now, I just want-"

Before I could finish talking I could feel how he wiped away my tears that I didn't even notice before. Then he looked straight into my eyes. This look was so breathtaking. I melted, I died for him. Then he started talking, quietly. It was not more that a whisper.

D: "Suga... Please I don't want you to cry because you're scared i might judge you. Did I ever let you down? And don't you think i would have noticed if you didn't feel well and stayed with you, did everything so you would feel better? Can't you see what a beautiful person you are whose sight lets Butterflys dance in my stomach? I fell in love with you Suga, ever since we first met"

I couldn't even believe it. The boy that made my heart beat faster, also had feelings for me. Even more tears escaped my eyes but this time out of joy. I was so happy.

S: "You mean we can also hold hands and kiss in public like real couples?!"

D: "Of coure we can be a real couple and do all things that lovers do. I love you Suga!"

S: "I love you too Daichi!"

Meanwhile he caressed my cheek and got closer. I also got closer to him and just before our lips were about to touch I closed my eyes. When I felt his soft lips on mine, my heart stopped. This moment was everything I've ever dreamt of. And now that it was happening it was even better than in my imagination.

~Present time~

After I told Hinata what happened yesterday his eyes lit up. I used this opportunity to also ask him about Kageyama and he told me that he also confessed to Kageyama directly when they were in the sleeping rooms and then they kissed. Also Kageyama returned his words. After they both met us on the way back to the party and the thing with Kenma and Kuroo happened they kissed again in the sleeping rooms and cuddled until Hinata fell asleep.

Of course I was very happy for Hinata, but at the same time I was also very glad. I noticed how Hinata took pills to sleep now but yesterday he didn't need any to sleep. Of course it was probably also because of the alcohol since he was so full that he couldn't even stand without help. But that was still better than before.

When Kageyama also woke up, Daichi and I decided to give them some space so they could talk about yesterday. When we got up I took Daichis hand and we went to the cantine, where the others waited already. They didn't look at us surprised but happy for us and of course asked how it happened. We sat down with Tanaka, Shimizu, Noya and Asahi. Then I told them how we confessed before I asked him how it happened with him and Shimizu. He started talking while we listened.

~At the party~

*POV Tanaka*

There she was. The most beautiful person on earth. She was an angel, a god. I loved he so much. I went to her and flirted with her like usually. I've seen her with a few drinks before. She turned a little red and looked to the ground. Then she asked me something that filled me with astonishment.

K: "Tell me Tanaka... What exactly do you like about me? I mean why do you keep coming to me even though I always reject you?"

She actually thought about it! She was so cute when she was shy.

T: "I like everything about you! You're beautiful, kind and help other people! Who could not love you?! And well yea, you always reject me, but that doesn't mean that it can't work with us in the future. I will definitely not give up, I could never give you up. Even if you never love me I will always wait for you!"

She turned red after I said that. Then she suddenly put her arms around my neck and kissed me before i could even react. After I realized I kissed her back and carefully put my hand around her hip. The kiss wiled long and I enjoyed every second of it. At some point she stopped and looked into my eyes.

K: "This time I won't reject you. Let's date. I love you too!"

I was so damn happy in that moment. We kissed again. It was so perfect and I wanted to just feel this forever. Just her.

~Present time~

When I told the others the story my beautiful angel hold my hand strong in hers and smiled at me. Next Yuu told us how he and Asahi confessed. I can barely believe that we all were taken now. And then even in the same night. I had to smile at that thought. Then I saw Hinata and Kageyama stand at the door and couldn't believe my eyes. I knew our little innocent baby was in love with Kageyama for a long time and was his crush too, but what we all saw still made us freeze.

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