Chapter 19

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*POV Hinata*

I woke up. It was in the middle of the night. I didn't even know what woke me up. I didn't know what I dreamt about. My head was just full of the things that happened. I didn't even think about my father. As I looked around I noticed that the others weren't there yet. There only was Kageyama who had put his arms around me. But somehow I felt weird. I didn't feel like throwing up and also had no headache. The ground looked somehow different. I never looked at it like that. It moved.

Then I felt the hand of Kageyama that grabbed me. So he woke up. I started laughing like a big idiot. Without any reason. Then i said with an unclear voice

H: "Kageyama you kissed me"

While saying that I couldn't stop giggling. I was still pretty drunk. I got up and tottered towards the door. I hold on to it so that I wouldn't fall down. Damn the ground was so wobbly. Then I went outside. Kageyama followed me.

On the way we met Sugawara and Daichi. Both of them were pretty tipsy but still in the are "a little funnier and not scared anymore". But nothing that they should be really embarrassed about. Like me. I tottered towards them and yelled at them

H: "III love Kage-hicks-yama! III wanna merriii himm!"

Daichi and Suga laughed while Kageyama turned red. I then went back to the party, with the 3 of them following. I swung the door open and stood there unsteady. I took a deep breath in to yell the same I already did to Suga and Daichi. But Kageyama stopped me.

Suga looked at Kuroo that gave me the alcohol. Then also Kenma looked at him angrily and hit him on the back of his head. Kuroo that only looked amused yet suddenly turned serious.

Ku: "WHY?!"

He yelled at Kenma that now looked a little confused.

Ku: "Why do you like him more than me! I give him alcohol and you get angry. What the hell did i do wrong?!"

In his voice you could hear anger and disappointment.

Ke: "Shoyo is our little innocent child! You can't just make him drunk. He is the baby here! Of course I like Shoyo, EVERYONE HERE LOVES HIM! So what's your problem?!"

Ku: "Aha. So you love Hinata... Well, what did I even expect."

Ke: "Of course I love Shoyo! But in a PLATONIC way! The one I am IN love with is YOU!"

Kuroo looked confused, then turned red as he realized what Kenma just said.

Ke: "Everyone here knew, only you didn't get it! I didn't even hide it! And you don't get it but instead make a scene here!"

Ku: "Wha You love me?!"

He was obviously surprised. Kenma only rolled his eyes.

Ke: "Oh come on. Now shut up and kiss me!"

And he did exactly that.

Meanwhile Kageyama hugged me from behind. He took my hands in his and closed them in fron of my chest. After Kenma and Kuroo were done Suga went to him and yelled at him. But you coudn't really hear any serious anger in his voice.

S: "So now you're done. Yea you love each other, we can see that! But I still can't just ignore that that you made our little baby to this!"

He laughed at those words, just like everyone else. Only I didn't understand anything.

I got free from his hug and walked towards the others that gave their attention to Suga that hit Kuroo as fun right now. Kageyama took my arm and pulled me towards him again. The others now looked at us again. Kageyama waved to the others and then pulled me out of the room. I laughed. I somehow couldn't stop right now, even though I had no reason to laugh.

At some point he stopped and I took that chance to put my arms around him and kiss him. But before I could do that he started walking again. Me just behind him. We finally arrived at the sleeping rooms but i didn't want to sleep yet. I just wanted to kiss him and lay in his arms right now.

He lied down in his bed. By now it lied just next to mine without any distance. As he lied there he opened his arms and i didn't hesitate a second and lied down in his arms. There it was again, this beautiful feeling of warmth and security. I never wanted to ever feel something else.

I wanted to experience my last moments just like this. Even if I died right here and now, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't be sad or something. I'd just be happy just like right now.

I tried my luck again to kiss him and this time he kissed back. I was so damn happy. We cuddled a while before he carefully pulled his fingertips through my hair. That was so beautiful. At some point I just fell asleep.

In the next morning i felt a warm and beautiful feeling. I started smiling before even opening my eyes. I found a sleeping Kageyama in whose arms I still lied. Even though the last few nights i always woke up in his arms this time was different. The last nights he only lied there so that I wouldn't have nightmares but this time it seemed like he actually wanted to cuddle with me. At this thought I just couldn't stop smiling. Then I could feel the sights of Daichi and Suga on me and turned red. I remembered everything I said and did last night.

At first i told everyone about the thing with my father, then technically confessed my love to Kageyama in fron of everyone and when he tried to help me and bring me to the sleeping rooms I confessed to him directly and tried to kiss him. But the thing that made me turn red was not the embarrassment, even though i was really embarrassed that i yelled at them how much I loved him right now. But no, the true reason for my redness was that Kageyama actually kissed me, 2 times! I looked towards the sleeping king and thought about how cute he was.

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