Chapter 29 (lemon/fluff)

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*POV Yamaguchi*

Another Sunday, the second one in the training camp. Weekends are always so difficult, or well they used to be. About 3 moths ago I was sitting in my room and cried every weekend. I cried because Tsukki ignored me. He was always somehow kinda there but he didn't really care about me. It just hurt so bad. I knew he didn't care about me yet I always wanted to be close to him.

I am sure the others already noticed since I am kinda always following him around. Even if I promised myself to leave him alone for a day, every time I saw him my heart was pounding so loud and my stomach felt tingly. I somehow always lost control over my body so I ended up following him anyway.

I did know I was really annoying but I just couldnt do anything else. I always tried to hide my feelings for Tsukki, I always told myself they did no exist but after knowing him this long it was simply not possible. I had to be honest to myself. I acknowledged it after I pictured us kissing one too many times.

That's why I always cried in my room. My parents were often away during the weekend. They had to go to some working trips and since they were working together I was always left alone. I didn't like being alone but what could I do to change anything? I even asked Tsukki a few times to come over but he mostly only reluctantly agreed. So on the weekend 3 months ago I was sitting in my room as usually. I asked hi to come over and he said he didn't want to. So I started crying again until I heard the doorbell.

When I opened the door Tsukki was standing outside and his cheeks were tinted slightly red. He just got inside without a word. I closed the door and turned around towards me and he just grabbed my hand and kissed me on the forehead. He started talking afterwards.

T: "I love you."

I was confused and couldn't process the thing I just heard. He loved me? No that was not possible, I mist have misunderstood. Tsukki looked at my expression and repeated himself.

T: "I am in love with you damnit! For a long time now. I never had the courage to tell you because I was scared you don't feel the same but I just can't keep ignoring my feelings. When I read your message earlier I wanted to tell you immediately but I thought I'd surprise you."

After those words I pulled him closer to passionately kiss him on his lips. Then I returned his words and kissed him again. We kept kissing and it kind of turned into more than that. As I kept pulling him closer to me I thought about all those time I thought this love was one sided, about all those times I dreamt about kissing him and... My cheeks immediately started turning red and Tsukki pulled away to ask what was wrong so I just buried my face in his chest.

Slightly NSFW I guess?
(I'm sorry for the bad quality of this as I am really bad at writing those. This is changed from the German version and I hope this one is better. Constructive criticism is welcome to help me improve!)

I then took his hand and walked over to my room as he followed me. I jumped onto my bed to bury my face into my pillows so I didn't have to face him. But my plan got destroyed as he lied down next to me and grabbed my head to make me took at him. It was at this moment I realized he was blushing just as much. This made me smile widely and I pulled him close to kiss him again.

As our bodies were so close to each other I could feel his heart beat as loudly as mine did. I wasn't sure what to do now, as I always dreamt of this moment but never thought it would ever happen. But his confession gave me a lot of confidence right now and I decided to be a little bold. So I put one of my legs in between his and started moving my hands down to his chest. I carefully let them wander to the edge of his shirt and underneath it. The feeling of his bare chest made me tense up a little. Was this even okay? Did I make him uncomfortable? I didn't even know he was ready for this yet. I didn't even know if I was ready for this. I just knew the love of my life was lying inside of my bed right now, kissing me.

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