Chapter 21

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*POV Hinata*

After Sugawara told me everything that happened between him and Daichi last night, I also said everything. At some point Kageyama woke up and the two others left. I was really thankful because this way I could talk in peace with him.

H: "Hey Kageyama, tell me... what was that all yesterday?"

K: "Oh so you can remember everything? It does surprise me a little but I'm glad because this way I dont have to tell you everything now. Well I guess you deserve some explanation. My words the kiss..."

H: "You don't have to keep talking I know you see it as a mistake to kiss me... to tell me you love me. It was probably out of sympathy anyway, so you don't have to explain anything But since you know my feelings towards you now, I am asking you to not leave me for it. Please don't treat me different now because I am romantically attracted to you, I just want-"

I couldn't continue talking because he took my hand in his again. Of course I turned red immediately and turned my head away but before I could succeed, his lips lied on mine again. I was pretty surprised. I mean yesterday he probably drank something too and kissed me out of a party mood, but right now both of us were 100% sober.

K: "I never said those words were a lie you Idiot! Of course I love you too Hina- Shoyo!"

My heart stopped beating. I stopped breathing and couldn't move. Only the tears that rolled down on their own, didn't stop. It was just like my whole life was a movie, that paused in right this second. I was so incredibly overjoyed. I couldn't believe it. Kageyama let my grey world shine in just a moment. How could I ever deserve someone like this?

K: "So you little Idiot, what's now? Are we dating now or are we pretending nothing ever happened?"

Those words took me back into reality. Normally only one answer was possible. Normally I would have screamed that we were of course dating now. But now I was kind of afraid. Of course he knew I wasn't doing great since I didn't eat and pretty much didn't sleep either. He also knew from the thing of my family, definitely after yesterday. But I was still afraid, because he didn't even knew that I was hurting myself. What if he started hating me afterwards?

Of course I wanted to call Kageyama my boyfriend and give him cute pet names, kiss him and cuddle him until I fall asleep, but I didn't want to turn him down. I wanted to live with him together in a world that wasn't my own grey and lifeless world.

No word escaped my body. But then he continued talking.

K: "You don't have to worry about me, I can manage you not being fine. Of course I will always be there for you and help you honestly laughing again, so don't worry, okay? I will not judge you when you're feeling bad!"

When I heard that if was as if a stone fell from my heart. I finally started smiling and yelled "YES!"

I was so damn happy, I loved him so much. I kissed him again, without even imagining that this kiss might ever end. I just wanted to kiss him, nothing else. When his tongue touched mine we first fought over dominance but it didn't take him much time to win. But that was okay. The kiss turned more intensive as time went on and I just wanted more. I just wanted to kiss him more.

After a while that felt like eternity we heard a voice talk, that came from the door.

Yachi: "Aww how cute! Finally it's happening, I have to tell everyone! But now the important thing, you will miss breakfast if you keep making out. The others are worrying you are killing each other here but I guess there is no danger of that right now!"

With those words she already left again through the door she came from. Kageyama and I started laughing, while we got ready to follow her. We walked next to each other for some time while I thought about holding his hand. I wanted it so much but I didn't dare to take it. What if he wasn't ready for this yet? If I took his hand then and he didn't want it I would ruin everything.

Again I was overthinking too much. My worries were completely unnecessary because he took my hand. So we continues walking and arrived at the canteen, where everyone sat already and looked at us.

As we walked in, Noya and Tanaka already went to me and dragged me behind them. Kageyama looked at us confused but then sat down with the others of our team.

As we were a bit away I started recognizing the place we were at. It was the place we agreed on for me to eat there. I immediately understood the meaning of this little kidnapping thing from those two. They smirked at me with bright eyes and I smiled back. We did the routine we talked about before and I actually managed to eat a little. It still wasn't much of course, but this progress was really important for me. My two friends couldn't hide their joy.

After I noted everything with a little help from them, we went back to the others and talked about Kageyama on our way.

N: "So Kageyama and you? I mean everyone knew but how?"

H: "Yesterday at the party. When I was pretty drunk and started telling things that I would regret he took me to the sleeping rooms. There I told him I was in love with him pretty straight forward and he kissed me and said it back. Then I fell asleep for a little and when I woke back up I went back to the party and wanted to scream to y'all how much I love him. He held me back and after the thing between Kuroo and Kenma we went away again. In the sleeping rooms I kissed him and he kissed back and we fell asleep. Earlier we talked about it all and now we're dating!"

T: "Wow, I am so happy for you guys! You are still pretty new to all of this so just ask me if you need any advice!"

H: "Actually I am scared that I annoy him or something, or give him the feeling that I don't love him enough when I'm sad. I just want to always show him how much I love him but I can't just kiss him always."

N: "How about a pet name? Something like honey or babe. For example I call Asahi honey."

T: "You do? I didn't notice just yet. But that's a great idea, I call Kyoko princess."

H: "You're right, thanks! I will just try."

As I said that we could already see the others walking towards us. Kageyama went straight to me and kissed me, while I put my arms around him. This feeling gave me goose bumps every time. The others greeted each other too and then went inside the gym together. Kageyama and I went alone in the back.

H: "Hey uhm babe. Is it okay if I call you that?"

K: "OF COURSE! But then I will call you sunshine."

I smiled relieved. Then we went inside too and practice started.

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