Chapter 18

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*POV Asahi*

It was Saturday evening, about 5 pm. About 2 hours ago Noya, Tanaka and Hinata coma back from their really long walk. Since then Noya and I went around a bit. I thought about how it would feel like if he held my hand and I could call myself his everything. I'd really like that. Well, I kinda had the feeling that he liked me back, but we wanted to take it slow. He gave me some discrete signs, just as I did to him. But I didn't want thing to go to far, I even told him that at our first talk about relationships. We talked about those things often, but never directly. I never told him that I meant him the whole time. That I was talking about a relationship with him. But even though he seemed to understand me because he gave me the feeling that when he talked about his wishes he meant me too.

We talked openly about our fears. I knew about his eating disorder and he knew how I really felt. I mean yea sure, everyone knew I was sensible but only Noya could understand what was wrong. I liked him so much.

We were on a meadow and just lied there. There were only a few people and mostly couples. Then I couldn't hold my wish in anymore and talked without thinking.

A: "Why can't we be like this. Holding hands, gifting flowers and give each other cute nicknames. Why can't I be yours?"

I just realized that I talked this our loud when Noya looked at me questioning.

N: "What do you mean you want to do all those things. You mean this couple things?"

A: "Yes I mean couple things. Why can't we be a couple. You're mine and I'm yours...I'm sorry for just saying that please don't leave me for it now."

But before I could even finish thinking I felt his warm lips on mine. He had his eyes closed. He then pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes.

N: "I would love to be in a relationship with you. I want nothing more than be able to call you mine. I just thought you weren't ready for a relationship yet."

This time I smiled at him, lied my hands on his neck which caused me to pull him towards me and kissed him again. This feeling was so magical. At first it was a normal kiss but it turned more beautiful and intensive. Not the kind of intensive where you have sex afterwards but more like the kind of where you could only sit there for hours as if there was nothing in the world more beautiful.

I slowly opened my mouth and then I could already feel how he put his tongue into my mouth and slowly circled my tongue. Now i put my tongue to his and we started a little tongue fight. It took a while but we didn't mind. I couldn't think of a single thing where I would rather be right now. Everything in my stomach tickled and my heart pounded faster and faster. I was so damn in love with him and be able to kiss him felt so magical. I wanted to never let go of him. I felt like time stood still. Every second felt like hours. It felt like we lied here a whole day kissing.

At some point we both stopped.

A: "Tell me...are we a couple now?"

N: "Yes! Hell yes!! Omg I just love you so much Asahi!"

He put his hand slowly on mine and I closed our hands. Like that we continued to lie there for a while. At some point we looked to our phones and got told that the others had planned a party for later. Of course we wanted to go there and tell the others about us. So we got up and got on the way. Meanwhile I held his hand in mine. When we arrived there weren't many people there yet.

*POV Hinata*

I was one of the first to arrive. Most wanted to buy some alcohol first. After me Noya and Asahi came. I looked towards theirs hands and saw it. Of course I immediately screamed without thinking about it.


Both of them nodded and smiled widely. If only that could be Kageyama and me.

When the others arrived Sugawara was a lot more considerate. Or more like he didn't let anyone get to close to me and forbit me to drink alcohol. As if I was his little child. But to be honest I liked the thought of that.

So the party started. At some point I couldn't see Sugawara and Daichi anymore. Kuroo took that chance to give me something to drink, with the argument I could have some fun. I thought about how you could forget your worries for a night with alcohol and that was everything I dreamed about. I took the glas of his mixture and drank everything at once. He just laughed and gave me another one. I looked to a corner where Kiyoko and Tanaka sat. They talked. At some point she turned red and kissed him. I didn't understand anything but I was happy for them.

As I walked through the room further I could see Sugawara and Daichi again. Sugawara was happy and seemly also tipsy. Both of them kisses passionate and Suga run towards me and screamed they'd adopt me. Somehow this made me so incredibly happy.

A little later all of us got sat down in a circle. In the middle was an empty vodka bottle. Kuroo started spinning it. I also wasn't sober anymore by now. The bottled showed towards Sugawara and Kuroo asked him "Truth or dare?". Suga took dare and got the dare to kiss Daichi. He immediately did it and smiled widely while doing it.

After that he spin the bottle which showed to Noya. Noya took dare as well and got told to call a radio station and scream "rolling thunder!" in the phone. He also finished that dare very quick. The next spin it was my turn but i took truth. The question was: "Where and when was your first kiss?" everyone was exited but I had to disappoint them since I wasn't kissed yet. So the game went on.

Just like that it happened that Bokuto got the dare to propose to Akashi. He did it without hesitation and looked so serious about it. Akashi of course said yes. Even if it was for fun everyone wondered now if they finally were a couple or not.

But it went on and the questions and dares got harder. When it was Suga's next turn he took truth and got asked about his darkest secret. He said it was that he wanted to adopt me and Daichi would be the dad. My heart nearly stopped because I was so touched since it was what I wished for so much.

Then it was Kageyama's turn and he got asked from who he'd rather get kissed in this room. When he said my name I turned red. He quickly went on and got Lev. He told him to show the most embarrassing picture of him and he did.

As it was my turn again I again took truth. The question was "What was the worst punishment you ever got and from who and why?" everyone that knew about this were shocked from that question and Suga wanted to say something, he was clearly in rage, when I told him it was fine since the question was probably meant as a joke. I guess they wanted to hear something from Kageyama since he always was mean to me. I took my glas and drank it empty. Then I answered slowly and clearly.

H: "My dad hit me and cut me with a knife. He didn't have a reason for it. But the worst thing what he did to me was-"

S: "STOP!"

Sugawara stopped me which was probably better. I was way to drunk to know what to tell and what not to. I never told him about the rape but he was probably the opinion that if I didn't even tell him I would 1000% regret it saying now. So we went on.

At some point the questions got worse and NSFW. But the questions towards me were all just about one thing. I got asked if i had a crush, yes, who I would kiss in this room, Kageyama. But before it was my turn again Suga asked me to go to bed because his baby shouldn't hear such things. Kageyama got me to bed then because I didn't want to.

He carried me to bed and asked how much I drank. I tried to kiss him. But he didn't want this and I started crying. I told him that I loved him and only him but before I could say anything else I could feel his lips one mine. He slowly opened my mouth with his tongue to get inside. It was so breathtaking. When he stopped he told me he loved me back but I'd probably not be able to remember this tomorrow. The next thing I knew was when I fell asleep.

Hinata's broken maskTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon