Chapter 28

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*POV 3rd Person*

Hinata stood on the rooftop, just before he took his last step to fall into the abyss. Daichi reached the rooftop. He saw Hinata standing there, eyes closed and ready to jump. In his face was a tinted smile visible.

Daichi screamed of the top of his lungs Hinata's name, but he didn't seem to hear it.

The other teammates of Karasuno meanwhile also entered the rooftop. Additionally also Kenma and Kuroo were there. All of them run towards Hinata who got ready to jump. He thought his last thoughts.

The people in the front all reached out their hands to grab Hinata's pullover and sat him down in the middle of them after pulling him back, so he couldn't just get up again and jump. Kageyama immediately run towards him, while Hinata just sat there, and hugged him tight. He cried during this and kept whispering

"I thought I lost you"

The shaking in his voice was clearly audible. And in his teary eyes you could visibly see the fear he'd never felt before.

The others also were close to cry, only Hinata didn't move. He was still under the influence of the drug that already showed a completely different effect. It made him unable to concentrate, so he sat there in a state of trance. He didn't react to any movement. Neither from Kageyama or anyone else. He seemed to not notice any of this.

All of there stood up there for a while until Daichi and Kageyama took Hinata to the sleeping room. Kageyama carried him the entire way while Hinata still did not move.

As they arrived he sat down Hinata into his bed and into his arms. Letting go of him didn't even cross his mind.

So the 3 of them sat there silently until Hinata spoke.

H: "I could fly. I was able to fly and then I stood there on the rooftop. I had this feeling of it all ending. It felt like freedom. I want this."

This shocked the other 2. So Hinata still wanted to jump. They couldn't let him out of sight at all. At the same time Daichi tried to answer his questions about the drugs. He held the bag very visible for Hinata and Kageyama.

D: "Hinata, please explain. Is it what I think it is?"

Hinata smiled and nodded.

D: "So you took drugs! And who did you get it from?!"

H: "From some guy while walking. I met him today and he gave it to me and said everything would get better with it."

The other 2 looked at each other worried since he normally wasn't this easy to manipulate. At least not with drugs. He was so broken, even a stranger could easily sell him drugs.

TW End

After this answer the other slowly joined the sleeping room. Daichi now also lied down with Suga after he got changed and showered.

Now it was Kageyama and Hinata's turn. They quietly went to the bathroom. Behind them all eyes gathered on them. Everyone was really worried about Hinata.

*POV Kageyama*

I got up with Hinata and we went to the bathroom together. I didn't let go of his hands even for a second. I'd never let go of him again.

We arrived there and I slowly started taking Hinata's shirt off. He started panicking a little but I just couldn't leave him alone right now. I was way to worried about him.

As his shirt was now in my hand instead of his chest I could see all his injuries. There were so many cuts! And then also the red burning spots. Daichi and Suga did talk to me about it yesterday but I was still shocked.

I looked at all of his injuries but didn't notice that my starring caused him to panic. I looked at him and gently kissed his lips. Then I started kissing his arms. Not exactly every cut but I did try not to leave any unkissed spots.

After I was done he looked a little relived. Then I carefully placed my hand on his belt. I looked at him to confirm it was okay for me to do so. He looked really scared but nodded. So I started stripping off his belt and his pants.

Then it was my turn. I quickly got undressed and turned on the water of the shower. My hands took his and I gently kissed him.

Then we both went into the shower. We cleaned ourselves but didn't exchange a single word. It was dead silent. Only the sound of the water falling down was audible.

Hinata still looked scared, you could clearly see how uncomfortable he felt. That's why I hurried with the shower and then got outside of it. I used a towel to cover myself and waited until Hinata was done.

After just a little Hinata also got out of the shower and also got a towel to put it around his waist. He now seemed to feel a little more comfortable and I carefully kissed his forehead before I started getting dressed. He did the same.

After we were done I kissed him again, this time a little longer. The kiss was passionate yet not erotic. He kissed me back and put his hands around my neck. Then he started crying. I pulled away from him and asked what was wrong. He answered with a shaky voice.

H: "I.... I'm sorry. I worried you so much. I cut myself, can't keep un in practice and today I even took drugs. If that wasn't enough I got on the rooftop to jump... I'm so sorry!"

He started crying more heavy and got more frustrated. I still asked him to be sure. I knew this talk was going to be difficult for him but otherwise he'd just not talk about it but let it eat himself up.

K: "Hey I'm here. I'm with you. I will always be with you. Yes, today you might have done something stupid when you took those drugs, but you were hurt and some stranger took advantage of that. And on the rooftop... You said you could fly... Did you go there because of this...?"

H: "No... That's it! When I got outside I had the feeling I could fly so I got up there. But up there it was different. When I looked down I thought about how quickly everything could be over, how easy it would be. I thought about the freedom death takes with it. I wanted to die! I wanted to kill myself! How can you still want to be with me, I am sick!"

Those words hurt me like a dagger deep inside my heart. He was right, he was sick. He needed help. My help. I couldn't just leave him alone with it. I still loved him more than anything, so how could he just think I'd leave him now?!

K: "Hinata... I love you, I will always stay with you. You were under the influence of that drug. It's not your fault okay!"

I quickly lied my hands on his face to wipe away his tears. Then I kissed him on his forehead again. Then his cheeks. Then the tip of his nose. I kissed every inch of his face. Then lastly his lips.

I put my lips gently on his while I close my eyes. Then I slowly opened his mouth with my tongue to get inside of it. Meanwhile my hands wandered to his back. He put his arms around my neck and we stood there for some time. The kiss was very long and emotional.

It calmed him and somehow also me a little. As I pulled away from him and opened my eyes he seemed to feel a lot better. I could only think of one thing I could tell him right now.

K: "I love you Hinata."

H: "I love you too"

This words said we got on our way back to the sleeping rooms. The drugs were still in his blood and made him trip. But at least he didn't want to continue the party anymore. He was rather thinking.

I held his hand tight in mine while I slowly pulled the doorknob with the other one. I held open the door as we went inside. We straight went to our beds and lied down. I hugged him tight with my arms and enjoyed his closure. He lied down his head onto my chest and we were just lying there like this. Until we feel asleep at some point.

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