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In a room there are several flashes of light through out the room then next thing we see is a room full of a bunch of people.

C.V: Hello everyone before you all start arguing with eachother and yelling at eachother I brought you all here to watch some of your past and for some of you the future. Now there are alot of you guys here so can we all introduce eachother so everyone knows who is who and what year you are from

Peggy: well I will start I am Peggy Carter and I'm from year 1947

Jarvis: I am Edwin Jarvis I too am from 1947

Howard: Im Howard Stark I'm also from 1947

Tony is just looking at the three with wide eyes

Steve: Peggy... Howard

Peggy and Howard: Hello Steve

They stare at eachother

A cough is heard from somewhere in the room

Steve: I guess I will go next I'm Steve Rogers and I'm from 2018

Tony: Tony Stark 2018

Jarvis: Are you by any chance related to Mr. Stark here?

Tony: Unfortunately he is my father

Howard is shocked

Peggy laughing: Never saw that one coming

Bruce: Bruce Banner 2018

Natasha: Natasha Romanoff 2018

Rhodey: James Rhodes 2018

Thor: Thor Odinson 2018

Loki: Loki 2018

Strange: Stephan Strange but you can call me Dr. Strange and 2025

T'challa: 2018

Shuri: Shuri 2018

Quil: Peter Quill 2018

Gamora: Gamora 2018

Nebula: Nebula 2018

Rocket: Rocket 2018

Groot: I am Groot

Rocket: He is also from 2018

Drax: I'm Drax 2018

Mantis: Mantis 2018

Fury: Nick Fury 2024

Hill: Maria Hill 2023

Coulson: Agent Coulson 2023

May: Agent May 2023

Fitz: Leopold Fitz 2023

Simmons: Jemma Simmons 2023

Daisy: Daisy Johnson 2023

Peter: Oh my god it's Quake

Daisy: I prefer to go by Daisy

Mack: Mack 2023

Elena: Elena 2023

Bobbi: Bobbi Morse 2016

Hunter: Lance Hunter 2016

Sam: Sam Wilson 2025

Bucky: James Barnes 2025

Clint: Clint Barton 2025

Kate: Kate Bishop 2025

Yelena: Yelena Belova 2025

Peter: Peter Parker 2025

Ned: Ned Leeds 2025

MJ: Michelle Jones but you can call me MJ 2025

Carol: Carol Danvers 2025

Wanda: Wanda Maximoff 2023

Scott: Scott Lang 2023

Vision: Vision 2018

Matt: Matt Murdock 2025

Jessica: Jessica Jones 2025

Luke: Luke Cage 2025

Danny: Danny Rand 2025

C.V: Thank you for the introductions now here is a little summary so you all understand what is going on. in the year 2018 a mad titan named Thanos came to earth to collect all six infinity stones and he succeeded which resulted in the deaths of Loki, Gamora and Vision. He snapped his fingers getting  rid of half the population in the universe. 5 years later you avengers figured out a way to bring everyone back using time travel thanks to Scott Lang but this also resulted in some deaths from Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Then Captain Rogers went to bring back the stones but ended up staying in the past to live out his life with peggy growing old and passing the mantle to sam.

Also to add on Phil Coulson did die but was brought back to life by Nick Fury using Project Tahiti. And Bucky Barnes survived falling off the train because he was injected with the super soldier serum when he was held captive during the war. He was rescued by HYDRA and was brainwashed for 70 years to become the worlds best assasin known as the winter soldier.

Everyone stands their in schock it's way too silent

Tony decides to speak up: So what are we watching first?

C.V: Well first I want to invite 2 more people only a few of you from the year 2025 will recognize them but just so everyone is aware the multiverse is real so be warned

Tony faints at hearing this

Stephan: oh no

Peters spidey sense goes off sensing the 2 new people

A bright light reveals to people standing there.




Tony is up on his feet again in shock at seeing two more spidermans

Steve coughs: so kid you going to introduce us

Peter 1: oh yah right this is Peter Parker Peter Parker These are the avengers and.... company i guess

Peter 3: Wait the band

Clint: We are not a band

Bruce: And you guys are both spiderman

Peter 2 and Peter 3: Yes in our universe

Tony faints again at this

C.V: Well now that that is all settled I thought we would start off with the queen herself...

All the woman sit with a smirk thunking its them

Peggy Carter! Sorry to everyone else but she truly is the start of women power.

Peggy just sits there smugly


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