AOS Wanting Ward Dead

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The clip starts inside a warehouse

WARD: Shield sent a man to assassinate me, he came into my house and tried to kill me cause you let him in you were sloppy (looking at Kebo)

Tony: Who'd you send

Coulson: Well technically we didn't

Hunter: It was me. I hate that guy

KEBO: I followed your protocol they killed a man to get close to you, wanted you dead that much


T'challa: Well at least he knows this

We see a title screen "and now i present to you the team wanting ward dead for 7 minutes straight"

Tony (uncontrollable laugher): 7...m..inu...tes.....

Scene show Skye (at the time) and Ward on the bus

SKYE [shoves Ward]: You lying bastard [punches him]
you son of a bitch [goes to shove him again] you lying-

Bruce: Wow you are mad

Daisy: Hell ya I was mad he betrayed us.

WARD  [grabbing a hold of Skyes hands]: Stop... stop 

Skye is struggling against him

okay, it's over you can't win

Skye head butts him


"Nice hit"

Natasha: You weren't fully trained at this time were you?

May: That is when she first joined the team Ward was her S.O but I took over after this.

Clint: You were trained by one of the best kid

On the planet with the monolith

WARD (talking to Fitz while looking at his watch): We have less than six hours to find the next portal and go home

Fitz: Why don't you shut the hell up so I can concentrate

Fitz smiles at hearing his remark

Elena: You tell him

Next we see Ward and May fighting in with Ward straddling her on a saw table pushing her face closer to the saw

WARD: Reminds me of the old days

MAY: You were never on top



Sam: Woah woah pause for a sec

Natasha: You slept with him?

May: It meant nothing it was a stress reliever

Daisy is dying of laughter hearing everyones reaction

May gets a hold of pipe and manages to hit him with it and kick him in the face

Danny: Damn, don't get on your bad side noted

Next Coulson is talking to Ward who is imprisoned

COULSON: You betrayed everyone of us you deluded son of a bitch,

Tony: Woah Agent didn't know you had it in you

the only reason you're alive is because you were of use and the only reason you're being transferred is because your brother is of more use

Shuri: Need some ice for that burn

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