The Big Three

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A/N: the original video i had got removed from youtube so i had to find a new one

A/N I can't remember what the name of the guy with Sam was and I am too lazy to go find the episode where it says the name so I just put him down as 'guy'. If someone gives me the name I will fix it.

We see Sam looking at a poster with John Walker as the new Captain America. A guy walks up behind him.

Steve: Who the HELL is that?

Everyone turns to look at Steve with wide eyes and a shocked expression

Steve: Now wai---

Everyone: LANGUAGE!!

Steve sighs

Guy: Seems like a good guy, you know

Steve: Seriously tho who is he?

Yelena: His name is John Walker

Sam: You know walker?

Yelena: Not by choice

Bucky: He was the new Captain America because Sam gave the shield away.


Sam: Gee thanks buck

Bucky pats him on the back

Bucky: Anytime man :)

SAM: Thanks for doing this on such short notice.

They both begin to walk off

Guy: Yeah you know, so i'm just uh finishing up the checklist you'll be all good to go once you land in Munich.

Sam is walking down the stairs as Bucky starts to approach him

BUCKY: Shouldn't have given up the shield

Bucky: In the end I was right.

Sam: Shut up

Daisy: Do they normally bicker like a married couple?

All the avengers: YES

Sam and bucky: We are not married.

Natasha: Awhh you guys agreed on something

Everyone laughs at the two who are both annoyed and emberrassed

SAM: Good to see you too buck

BUCKY: This is wrong

SAM: Hey, hey look i'm working all right so all this outrage is gonna have to wait

Bucky and Sam are walking towards the exit

BUCKY: You didn't know that was gonna happen

SAM: No of course I didn't know that was gonna happen. You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America

Rhodey: If I knew that is what they were going to do I would of advised you not to hand over the shield.

BUCKY: This isn't what Steve wanted

Steve: Don't be so hard on him buck. I am sure he has his reasoning as to why he did what he did..... (then mumbles under his breath) even if it was the wrong choice

All those with super hearing chuckle slightly

SAM: Oh my god, so what do you want me to do? Call america and tell him I changed my mind... huh? Yeah right... it's a great reunion buddy, be well

Scott (laughing): Yes please call America I want to see how that will go

BUCKY: You had no right to give up the shield

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