SkyeWard Exile

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A/N This chapter was requested by shoutjadeuk.  I totally ship staticquake 100% 

We start of being shown the pilot episode where Coulson and Ward are Interrogating Skye but we only see Ward and Skye

Wanda: Awhh you are so young

Simmons: We were babies weren't we?

Fitz: Gosh that feels so long ago

WARD: What's you name?

SKYE: Skye

WARD: What's your real name?

Skye looks over at him with a somewhat nervous expression

Tony: What did he think it was like a stripper name?

Several rounds of "oh my god" are heard

We next see Skye sitting on a couch after she and Miles got caught by May

Daisy: This is so embarrassing... still can't believe I had to wear that nanny bracelet

She hides her face in her hands

Clint is roaring with laughter

SKYE: I'm so sorry Ward this is not what it looks--

WARD (standing in front of her with cuffs): Hands

Skye gives him a sad look and holds out her hands

We then cut to Skye with a smile waiting at the entrance of the playground for Ward who is seen walking towards here in the snow taking his hat off and you can see he is injured on his face.

Scott: Ahh young love

Daisy: I really don't believe it was love

We then are shown Ward irritated and has his face close to Skye

WARD: Do you think this has been easy for me?

We are then shown where Daisy enters the framework and she is stepping out of the bathroom and sees that she is with Ward

Sam: Wait... 

Bobbi: What is going on?

Coulson: That is a different Ward who was inside what we called the framework. It was basically a mind prison.

May: It was originally created by Dr. Radcliffe but then AIDA who was his robot took over and locked all of us except Elena, Daisy and Jemma in the mind prison where she changed what our biggest regret was.

Fitz: It was basically the opposite of this world. So Instead of SHIELD it was HYDRA but Ward was technically a good guy in the frame work as he was a double agent for Shield who were hidden in the shadows.

The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop

Sam: That is messed up

WARD(VO): How hard it was

We cut to Skye and Ward playing Battleship

SKYE: Do you need an ice pack

Ward chuckles at this and so does Skye

SKYE: Wow a compliment and a smile

Daisy: I remember that moment probably one of my very few good memories of him

We are shown back to the framework where Daisy is holding a photo of her and Ward together

We then cut to ward talking to Skye

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