Peggy Carter visits Dottie P1

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GUARD: Underwood, Dr. Wexford is here to conduct your psych evaluation. Show him in.

DOTTIE: Hello, Dr. Wexford.

Steve: Peggy why are you undercover?

Peggy: Steve why do you think?

Yelena: You are either seriously crazy or smart for what you are doing

Natasha: I think a bit of both

Clint: How do you already know what she is there for

Bucky: I mean it's pretty obvious. I knew I liked you Peggy

Peggy just sits there with a huge smirk

PEGGY: [American accent] You can leave us.

GUARD: Are you sure? This one's a handful.

Yelena: That is putting it lightly

PEGGY: Don't worry. I have protection.

Now, please, some privacy.

We have a lot to talk about.

[Grunts, exhales slowly]

DOTTIE: Oh, Peg, you're hurt.

Scott: Like you really care

PEGGY: Mm. [Grunts]

DOTTIE: You're real hurt.

PEGGY: [Normal voice] I thought you'd like to know that we've received no contact from the Soviet government or anyone claiming to be affiliated to Leviathan, asking for your release.

Natasha: That won't phase her at all

Yelena: Yah no that won't hold her for long

DOTTIE: This is my surprised face.

Tony: You black widows really have your facial expressions down

PEGGY: Considering this will be your home for the foreseeable future, perhaps you should start decorating.

DOTTIE: It takes more than six walls to hold me.

Fury: Six?

Sam: Last I did there are only 4 walls

Natasha, Yelena, Bucky, Matt, Jessica, Gamora, Nebula and May all facepalm

Bobbi: You guys are really dumb being the earths mightiest heroes and all


DOTTIE: We're in a cube, Peggy. Try to keep up.


Wanda: Now I get it

Peggy looks at the two russian spies

Peggy: Would she actually be able to escape with time?

Nat and Yelena look at eachother having a conversation with their eyes

Natasha: To put it simply.. yes she would

PEGGY: I admire your confidence.

DOTTIE: Seeing you gives me a real boost.

Yelena and Natasha: here we go

Matt: I really want to do a Mock interrogation with you two, just to see if I would be able to catch any lies

Kate: Ummm just saying I think they will beat you I know Yelena is able to deceive people easily so Natasha is probably just as good maybe even better

Natasha: Ha!!

Yelena: Hey!!

PEGGY: How do you mean?

DOTTIE: Well, let's see. You came here in disguise, not in official SSR capacity.

People are listening to what she is saying trying to figure out her play

That means you don't want this visit on the record, which means you're probably going behind someone's back.

Rocket: Damn

Groot: I am Groot

Mantiss: Yes she's good

How naughty.

Clint: Is she flirting with you?

Peggy: No, but I believe she had a small obsession with me as I was probably one of the very few Female authorities that have some of the same skills as her back then

Natasha: Would make sense it was all about men having power back then and they are easy to persuade

Yelena: But a woman is bit more of a challenge as they actually use their brains

So if you're not here to interrogate me officially and you've gone to such great lengths to hide the fact that you came at all, I think the reason for your visit is pretty obvious.

Tony, Peter 3, Quill, Ned, MJ, Thor, Carol, Scott and Sam: NO IT'S NOT

You need my help.


Hill: Bold move

Bucky: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Natasha: Again you are both crazy and smart

Yelena: Respect.. again

Peggy starts to blush getting approval from the spies.

Jarvis: I do hope they show the mission it was rather exhilerating

Tony: You went on the mission?

Howard: Jarvis here is practically Peggy's partner

That gets shocked looks from everyone

C.V: Part 2 of this visit will be coming up next.

A/N: REQUEST CLOSED (6/6/2022)

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