Lance Hunter

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A/N: Thank you everyone who has taken an interest in this story! Having 13k people read this is very encouraging for me to keep continuing with this story 💕💕💕

The scene starts with May grabbing a knife and heading towards her front door opening and grabbing who was there which turns out to be Hunter and placing them in a headlock. Hunter is shown in pain as May stares at him clearly pissed

Clint: This is definitely a good way to start

MAY: What the hell are you doing here?

HUNTER: Neighborhood watch?

Natasha snorts at hearing this

We cut to Hunter being interrogated in a Russian Prison

MAN: State your full name for the record

Steve: Your name isn't Lance Hunter

Bobbi: His full name is hilarious

Cut to Gonzales introducing himself to Hunter for the first time sticking his hand out for a handshake

GONZALES: You must be Lance Hunter

Lance looks down at his hand

HUNTER: And you must be crazy

Shuri: You look so disgusted

Back to the Russian prison

HUNTER: Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter

The room is quiet before everyone breaks out laughing

Hunter: Yah, yah laugh it up

Peter 1: Is your Hogwart house Ravenclaw like your middle name?

Bobbi: Oh no he isn't that smart

Hunter: Ouch. And I am a Slytherin.

We cut to Hunter and Bobbi talking after Bobbi gets back from being undercover in Hydra

HUNTER: You mind telling me what I'm doing here

BOBBI: It's easy. I vouched for you

HUNTER (disbelief): Why the hell would you do that?

Nat: I agree with him

Hunter: I don't know wether to feel concerned or flattered

We cut to Hunter being undercover at the ATCU

MAN: Red Sox man?

HUNTER: Red coats actually

We cut to Hunter on a bus with a cowboy hat

Daisy: That was an awful disguise

Then cut to Hunter walking up to a guy from behind

HUNTER: Excuse me mate

Hunter then knocks the guy out and looks around for witnesses


Kate: Why did you do that?

We cut back to Bobbi and Hunter when she returns from undercover

BOBBI: Hey Hunter. Nice suit

We cut to Hunter checking out a light post and touches it gently causing it to fall and break

A few people laugh at this

Fitz: That was funny

We see Hunter leaning back on a chair talking to May

HUNTER: Oh, spiritual walkabout

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