Why is Gamora?

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Peggy: Wait before we start you are saying this clip takes place on another planet?

C.V: Correct

Peggy just rubs her forehead and sighs

The clip starts with Tony and Dr. Strange facing each other while Peter lowers himself down on a web upside down behind them.

PETER: Let me just say, if aliens

Dr. Strange turns to look at him

PETER: Wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and i eat one of you, I'm sorry

The room erupts into laughter

Daisy: I have to say that was probably one of my favorite opening lines so far

TONY: I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?

Ned: Again you sound like a dad

Scott: Irondad

Clint: Ahaha yes Irondad

Tony is pointing a finger at Peter while Peter is pointing behind him to help explain what he is trying to say.

PETER: I'm trying to say that something is coming

Bruce: Then just say something is coming

Peter 3: But that isn't the Parker way

MJ: You are all losers

She says it with a playful smirk on her face showing she isn't being hurtful

A ball is then rolled in the middle of the three then blows up causing everyone to fly backwards, Strange falls and rolls an a part of the ship. We then see Quill, Drax and Mantis exiting a whole


Drax throws a knife towards Strange who creates a shield blocking it from hitting him. Drax stands there and yells while Strange flings his cape at him covering his face.

Nat: I mean why did you just stand there and scream?

Gamora: We tend not to question Drax all that much

Rhodey: That was very useless man

Quill then starts shooting and flies up off the ground Tony shoots back at him and follows him in the air aiming a missle at Quill who dodges it from hitting him but end up getting blasted as it landed in front of him he tries to tackle Tony but gets thrown off to the ground. Quill regains his balance and laughs as he presses a butting and Tony gets attached to a part of the ship.


Loki: Ahh tricks I approve

Steve is seen trying not to laugh at the fact Tony is stuck to the ship

Peter is then seen regaining conscious and looks in front of him scared with wide eyes as Mantis is seen in front of him staring at him. Peter starts crawling backwards.

PETER: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me


Bobbi: Oh kid you watch way too many movies

Tony: Thank you finally someone who agrees with me.

Peter 1: Mr. Stark my movie knowledge helped you out a couple times

Tony: And I thank you for that

He shoots webs at Mantis and stands up only to get kicked by Quill.

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