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A/N: This chapter was requested by starknight1 and dbzk45

Also just to clarify things

1. Ned and MJ are from right after Mysterio leaked Peters identity while Peter is about a month after having everyone forget who he was.

2. the Defenders are no longer apart of this story

Peter is leaning on a pillar watching the news Mj comes out of the elevator and Peter walks to meet her.


MJ: Hey

PETER: So, where do you wanna go?

MJ: Who cares

PETER: Awesome

MJ: Ok

PETER: Let's go

They leave the hotel with smiles on their faces but you can see that they are both nervous

Tony: Awhhh Petey has a girlfriend

Peter 1 and MJ both blush.

Steve: Tony don't embarrass the kid

MJ and Peter are walking along the bridge

PETER: I'm glad we're doing this

MJ: Yeah, me too

PETER: To see the city a bit

MJ: You know they used to execute people on this bridge they would like put them in a basket and they would like drown them in water

Rhodey: WHAT?

Nebula: Well that is an interesting conversation starter

Yelena: I think it was a good start

There is an awkward pause between the two as they are still walking

MJ: Sorry

PETER: It's okay

Their hands were awkwardly swinging by each other as they were walking they put their hands away

PETER: Uh.. there's this thing that I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while

Peter 3: I was just as nervous wit Gwen

Peter 2: Same here but with Mary Jane

They stop walking MJ turns to look at Peter

MJ: Yeah?

PETER: It's our last night in Europe and I had this plan that I wanted to tell you..

Peter starts to bring out the black Delilah necklace

Wanda: And what is that?

Peter 1: Just something I got her

Daisy: I feel like things are going to go sideways

PETER: I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna tell you, Uh.. MJ I-

MJ: Am Spider-Man

Everyone is shocked

Tony sighs: You were never good at hiding your identity.

PETER shocked: What?

MJ: That's what you're gonna say that you're Spider-Man

Fury: I think that is the first time that I have been left surprised

Marvel Characters react to the MCUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن