I'm Under Here

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Peter swings down on a web as he made his way down into the warehouse slowly. He dropped to the ground and saw the Vulture wings that Toomes wore still in their place. He turned down the hallway into the main room Toomes is.

Peter 2: Hey where is the suit we saw in your last video?


Sam: Why are you wearing your pj suit?

Peter 1: Mr. Stark took the suit away as I was in over my head at the time.

He thinks 'That was a good explanation, I don't really want to hear them all yelling at me or Mr. Stark'

PETER: Hey! Surprised?

Toomes looked over his shoulder unconcerned but with a small genuine smile on his face and nodded to himself as if he was impressed.

TOOMES: Oh, hey, Pete. I didn't hear you come in.

As he finished fiddling with something.

Bobbi: He totally was waiting for you!

Mack: 100%

PETER: It's over. I've got you.

Scott: You don't have him yet man

Peter 1: I mean at the time I thought I had him.

MJ: You learned through the years though. Obviously I helped you alot.

Peter 1 (blushes): I mean you are not wrong.

Ned: Hey what about me? Your guy in the chair.

MJ: Just face the facts you losers were lost without me

Ned and Peter 1 both give a little pout at this.

All the adults laugh at hearing the young ones tease eachother.

Toomes gave Peter a look that was full of respect.

TOOMES: You know, I gotta tell you, Pete, I really, really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, "Really?" But I get it now."

Yelena looks over at Peter 1 with a teasing look in her eyes

Yelena: Wait who's Liz?

Peter 1: She is his daughter who I had a crush on at the time and we went to homecoming together

MJ: I mean you were only there for like 5 minutes or less before you sprinted off to go deal with that (points at the screen)

Clint and Kate both speak at the same time.

Clint: You remind me too much of Natasha here

Kate: You scarily remind me of Yelena

Both archers look at eachother in shock that they thought the same thing

The sisters both smirk at this and send MJ a wink

PETER with anger in his voice: How could you do this to her?

Shuri: Ouuu spidey boy is getting angry.

Toomes gave Peter a look of pity as he began to explain.

TOOMES: I'm not doing anything to her, Pete. I'm doing this for her.

Hill: How does selling alien tech help your daughter?

Daisy (thinking of what she was like before SHIELD): Some people are just dealt a bad hand

PETER (sarcastically): Yeah.

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