Ohio 1995/ Cuba

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A/N This chapter is going to be a long one I am going to try to put as many videos as i can so then you can get most of the visual experience as well as i have always been trying to add the whole clip with the chapter.
I have been wanting to do this chapter since the beginning and I also got a request to do a Black Widow scene so this is dedicated to LamdouarZaynab

The clip begins with a young girl with blue hair riding her bike and the words 'OHIO, 1995' appear up on the screen

GIRL: Hey, Nat!

Tony: Wait you dyed your hair blue?

Nat: Really Stark??? I never noticed

Clint snickers at this

Tony: Hey hey hey...... No need to attack we are all friends here

Natasha waves to the kids that are playing on the tire swing. Natasha then turns into the driveway of a house and it cuts to a younger Yelena on a swing.

Wanda: Awhhh is that you? 

She points to Yelena

Yelena: Yup.

Jessica: You were so adorable (I totally forgot about having the defenders in this story)

Kate: What happened?

Natasha laughs at this

Yelena gives her a look that could kill

Kate chuckles nervously and looks back at the sceen

Natasha whistles as she makes her way into the back yard. And Yelena whistles back.

Yelena is shown doing a back bend and Natasha joins her

YELENA: We're both upside down.

NATASHA: And I bet you're gonna fall down first.

Scott: This is very wholesome to watch

Peggy: How old were you two there?

Natasha: I was 10 years old and Yelena was six

YELENA: No, you will. You can't hold it much longer.

Natasha starts making silly faces at Yelena causing her to laugh and fall down first.

Clint: Even as a kid you were so competitive

Yelena: You cheated!! I would have won that

Natasha: Sure you would have 

She bumps her sisters shoulder playfully

NATASHA: Told you you'd fall down first. I told you! I told you! Told you so!

Natasha starts to run away causing Yelena to chase after her for a little bit but then she falls to the ground.

YELENA: Mommy!

This causes Natasha to stop and look back with concern and goes to try to comfort her.

Melina comes into view and crouches down in front of Yelena

Steve: Who is that?

Rocket: Well if you were watching the clip you would realize that the little blonde yelled for her mommy so obviously that is their mom

Yelena: I like the raccoon he is very funny

MELINA: What happened?

NATASHA: She fell on her knee.

Marvel Characters react to the MCUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя