Frank Castle

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We start off inside a hospital seeing the bottom half of someone walking with hospital walking around in the background.

Scott: This is going to be very intense

We see the back of a mans head as they are walking  then see that he has a gun attached to is hip. a security guard hangs up the phone and see the man with the gun and takes out his own gun and points it at the man

Luke: Yah that ain't going to do much

SECURITY GUARD: Hold it right there

The man disarms the guard knocking him out unloading the gun and drops it into a trash can people scream seeing this. Frank takes his own gun out and turns to walk down a different hallway.

Peter 1: This is like straight out of a horror movie

He gets several rounds of agreement

We are next shown inside a hospital room where Karen and a man both sitting up hearing the noise outside

KAREN: What was that?


MAN: nononononononono..... (he starts freaking out) someone's coming to finish the job.

Jessica: You better get a move on

KAREN (gets up): Just don't move

Kate: That is great advice

Sam: That is awful advice

The man starts to removes the wires that are hooked up to him as the Karen goes to check out the door what is going on. she then sees the man with a gun and panics

KAREN: shit

Daisy: This isn't good


The loudness causes a couple people to jump

She goes back into the room  and grabs the man to usher him out of the room and start running down the hall.

Frank aims his gun and shoots at them twice the second just missing as the couple turns the corner. he sees the couple shadow in the window and shoots at it. causing more chaos from the nurses and hospital staff and starts walking after them.

Yelena: I want that gun

Kate just shakes her head with a sigh at this while Clint and Natasha laugh

Everyone starts running in fear as the couple turn to a door pulling the fire alarm as a gun shot is fired by frank. 

Bucky: That was a close one

They start running down the stairs as the alarm for the fire alarm starts blaring. a gun shot is heard and it misses them causing Karen to scream in fear.

Ned: Dude... this really is like a horror movie

Peter 1: Seeee.... thank you Ned

MJ: Would you losers shut up

The other 2 Peters laugh at this

They continue running down the stairs until the make it outside running to a car while Karen is searching her purse for the keys. 

Quill: Hurry up

Hill: I hate when that happens

MAN: What... you don't have the right keys

KAREN: Shut up shut up (as she starts fumbling with the keys to unlock the car door)

Matt: Hey don't rush Karen

MAN: Is this even your car?

KAREN: It belonged to a friend

MAN: Where is he?

KAREN finally unlocks the door and gets in: He's dead

Bobbi: Well that got dark real fast

She moves to open the passenger door to let him in

get in

She starts the car and peels off only for her side mirror to get shot at causing her to scream.

Kate: Hey Clint it's almost like our car chase

Clint: More like Budapest for me

Yelena: I agree with you there 

she looks to her sister giving her a look

Natasha: What happens in Budapest stays in Budapest

C.V: Well sorry to ruin that but we will see the car chase in Budapest soon

Then there back window gets shot at causing more panic to set in for the couple.

We see smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun frank is holding and him locked on to the man in the car and puts his finger on the trigger

Then the scene stops there. 


Tony: Way to leave us on a cliff hanger

C.V: Sorry not sorry..... Now for the next scene we are going to watch a prison break from our favourite group...... THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY


Quill: Finally it is our time to shine

Gamora: I swear I'm surrounded by idiots

A/N: This chapter was requested by RymanXbox

A/N: REQUEST CLOSED (6/6/2022)

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