Peter 2 vs Flash

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The clip begins with Peter sitting down at a lunch table and looking down at his hand to see a fork stuck to it. He shakes his hand once trying to take it off then looks around him seeing if anyone notices.

The room chuckles at this

Rhodey: That must of been weird

Peter 2: Believe me it was

He then takes his other hand and takes the fork off only to be met with webbing confused he tries to seperate it but it only cause a web to shoot out and grab onto a lunch tray of food. He looks at what just happened and still confused on what is going on.


Sam: That stuff comes out of you?

Tony: Underoos that would be way more convenient for you

Peter 1: Ya it would be

He looks around again making sure no one is watching then pulls back causing the tray to fly at him he moves out of the way and the tray hits the person behind him on the back.

People laugh out loud at this

Scott: Oh man you are just asking for a beating

Some students start laughing at this as Flash looks pissed Peter looks around then gets up to leave Flash turns around looking around before he notices Peter walking away while with the tray following him out

FLASH: Parker

Ned: Hold up that is what your Flash looks like?

Peter 2: Ya why?

MJ: Our Eugene is no where near yours

Peter 3: You call him Eugene as well?

MJ: Ya

Peter walks out of the cafeteria and the doors shut behind him. Students laugh as we see the tray didn't make it out and is moving around as Peter is still walking away

Steve: How do people really not notice somethung odd is happening?

Loki: Midgardians are not all bright I see

Bruce: Hey not all of us are clueless like these kids

Peter then walks quickly through the hallway looking at his wrist he makes it to his locker and begins to unlock it. Flash is walking after him bumping into students as he goes. Peters head is still facing the locker as his head looks up and his spidey sense kicks in making everything go into slow motion.

Fitz: Woah what just happened?

Tony: Is that the tingle happening?

All three Spider-man groan at hearing this.

All three Peters: NOT A TINGLE

Everyone laughs at their expense

We see a paper airplane flying through the air, a fly, and a kid having just spit out a spitball we then see Flash's fist coming towards the back of his head and peter dodge it and time moving back to normal speed.

Drax: Now that is cool

Shuri: I want to get bit by the spider that bit you

Peter 1: The spider is dead

Flash hits the locker and moves to step in front of Peter intimidating him as a circle of students has started to form around them



FLASH: You think you're pretty funny don't ya freak

We see MJ walking up to him

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