Coulsons death

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A/N: This chapter may not be the best I am currently running on 4 interrupted hours of sleep but I wanted to be able to get this chapter out for you lovely people. 

Thor runs to where Loki's cell is. The door is opening.

Loki steps out. Thor yells and runs to stop him. But that Loki isn't Loki and Thor gets trapped in the cell.

Loki: AHAHAHA that will never get old


The real Loki is standing outside of the cell. 

LOKI: Are you ever not going to fall for that.

Thor: I don't anymore

Loki: And I am proud of you brother

Peggy: How is that possible?

Loki: Magic

Clint is walking through the ship. Natasha appears behind him. Clint turns around, Natasha grabs the bow as he is about to shoot, causing him to miss. She twists his arm an and he kicks her. 

Tony: Legolas I thought you never missed

Clint: She made me miss

Nat: Sure let's stick with that story

She dodges and kicks him, then slides to the deck below. Clint follows, she kicks him. He shoots again and misses, as swings around on a pole.

Steve: So what is your excuse that time?

Clint: I didn't come here to get attacked

Yelena: I mean you make it very easy

Clint: Nat your boyfriend and sister are being mean to me

Steve: Not her boyfriend

Nat: Not my boyfriend

Peggy looks at them curiously

Nat: And also Yelena is a big girl and I can't control her 

They continue fighting. Natasha grabs the string on his bow. Then whacks him in the face, causing him to let go of it. He pulls out a knife.

Bucky: You know it's serious when they bring out a knife

Thor: It is true I know from many experiences

Loki: Well you aren't dead

Kate: I am so glad I'm an only child

Thor hits the glass with his hammer, cracking it. The cell shakes. Loki smiles and walks over to the control panel. 

LOKI: Humans think us immortal should we test that.

Peter 1: I mean to be fair you are gods and we learn about you in school

Ned: It is true it is awesome

Coulson knocks out one of the agents. He's holding a large gun in his hands. 

COULSON: Move away please


Bobbi: That was bad ass

Loki complies. 

COULSON: Like this? Started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. even I don't know what it does. Want to find out? 

Coulson: It packs a good punch

Fury: That it does

The real Loki is actually behind Coulson. He stabs him with the scepter.

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