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Natasha and Clint are in a truck, Natasha is driving, Clint is shooting HYDRA agents. Natasha kicks one away from the door. Thor jumps onto a platform and knocks agents down with Mjolnir.

Yelena: Hmmm wonder where I have seen that before

She smirks a little and looks at Natasha referring to their car chase in Budapest

Nat: Mine was cooler

Yelena: HA! Nat you made a funny joke for once

Natasha punches her in the shoulder while the avengers are laughing at the scene

He then picks up a piece of wood and knocks two more out while Steve enters on a motorcycle, dragging an agent, then throws him into a tree.


She gets a few shocked looks at her outburst

Kate: What I easily get invested in action scenes

She turns back to the screen with a smug look on her face

Daisy: Everyone looks so tiny when next to Thor

Thor: Because I am mighty

Hulk throws agents around. All six of the Avengers jump toward the agents

Ned: Now that is a sick shot

Carol: Gotta admit you guys look cool

All six Avengers smile at this proud of themselves

Tony: We do look cool

Yelena softly: Such posers

Tony flies up to the building, but hits the barrier. 

TONY: Shit!

STEVE: Language. Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.

Fitz: So this was how it all started?

Shuri: HAHAHA Boomer!

JARVIS: Central building is protected by an energy shield.  Strucker's technology is beyond any Hydra base they've taken.

Thor is fighting agents. 

THOR: Loki's scepter must be in the central building. Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it, at long last.

Coulson: You're welcome for the information by the way

Tony: That was you?

Coulson: Yup!

Natasha throws a grenade onto a truck and takes out some agents. 

NATASHA: At long last is lasting a little long boys

She shoots at an agent. Clint shoots an arrow then takes cover behind a tree 

CLINT: Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.

Yelena: No shit!

Everyone looks at Steve waiting for him to say it

Steve: I am not going to say it

Kate: Why the fuck not?

Chuckles are heard from a few people 

Sam: Yah come on.. don't be a bitch

Steve just sighs ignoring them but he is visibly annoyed

TONY: Wait a second. No one is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language.'

STEVE: I know

Steve throws his bike at a truck 

Peggy: How many bikes have you ruined now?

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