Gamoras Death

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We see Thanos and Gamora on Vormir.

GAMORA to Thanos: You call it mercy..... the universe has judged you, you asked for a prize and it told you NO.

Drax: You go Gamora.


Groot: I am Groot.

She starts walking closer to him.

You failed. And do you want to know why? Because you love nothing.... no one...


Quill: Truth hurts you bastard.

Bobbi: That was brutal.

Yelena: Personally I love your attitude.

Thanos has his back turned to her but then turns to look at her with tears in his eyes.

GAMORA: Really? Tears?

Nebula: You never loved us.

Strange: He must of felt some type of love if it got him the stone.

Natasha: Manipulation is not love.

Yelena: AMEN!!

RED SKULL: They're not for him.

Bucky: I hate that guy.

Steve: Same Buck same.

Gamora gets a look of realization on her face as Thanos starts walking closer to her causing her to back up.


Guardians: DON'T TOUCH HER.

Jessica: I'm about to murder someone.

Peter 2 whispers to Peter 3: They are really violent in this universe.

Peter 3 whispers to Peter 2: It's so chaotic I love it.

GAMORA: NO. This isn't love.

THANOS: I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again even for you.

Gamora looks down then back at Thanos and takes out her blade to stab herself in the stomach but Thanos uses the reality stone to turn it to bubbles. 

Kate: Why did you go to kill yourself?

Gamora: He wouldn't be able to get the stone if I succeeded in that moment.

Everyone nods in understanding.

Gamora starts to sob because she knows what is going to happen.

THANOS: I'm sorry little one.

Tony: Don't lie.

Shuri: Such Bullshit.

Steve: Language you guys please.

MJ: Jokes on you I'm a girl.

All the ladies agree with her.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: He says he is a tree.

Vision: I am an android. 

Bucky and Sam just laugh at this.

Steve hang his head in exasperation.

Thanos then grabs her by the arm and starts to drag her to the edge of the cliff with tears in his eyes, while Gamora is screaming trying to get herself free from his hold. 

Nebula: NOOOOOO.

All the Guardians are crying watching their friend get murdered.

Thanos throws her off the edge and we see Gamora flailing as she is falling to the ground screaming with her hand out while Thanos just looks at her with a sad emotion on his face.

Thor: I shall find this Thanos cut off his head.

Carol: I plan on joining big guy.

Loki: I would very much love a chance at revenge.

We then see Gamora laying at the bottom of the cliff dead and the scene cuts with Thanos forcing himself to shed some more tears.

Wanda: I wish I could go back and make him suffer again.

Peter 1: I have to admit that was soo cool yet scary.

Daisy: I want to go quake his purple ass.

Everyone laughs at her comment.


Loki decided to make himself look like Steve and talk like him: Watch your language young lady.

Tony: HAHAHAHAHAHA....... I kinda hate you a little less now reindeer games.

Loki just smirks.

C.V: Next we will be watching another clip of Peter 1 and it may trigger some of you. Sorry Peter.

Peter 1: Of course it's me. Stupid Parker luck.

Peter 3: Dude.... Parker luck sucks.

Peter 2: Ditto.

Sam: Man having one of them is enough but three in one room.

Peter 1: If I may ask.... what do you plan on showing?

C.V: Well..... it's an event that happened with the Vulture.

Peter 1 goes wide-eyed but forces himself to calm down 'at least it's not Mysterio'

A/N: REQUEST CLOSED (6/6/2022)

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