Yelena being an ICON

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We see Nat and Yelena in a vent

NATASHA: You okay?

San: Are you guys in a vent?

Natasha: yes we are.

Yelena is laying down taking a breather then starts to sit up

YELENA (sarcastically): Yah great plan, I love the part where I almost bled to death.

MJ: Nice!

Natasha: So dramatic

Nat just gives her an amused look.

We then cut to Natasha going to pick the lock on a door

YELENA (V.O): I know you're out there.

Natasha has a look that just says 'fuck'.


Wanda: You didn't see that coming.

We cut to Natasha driving while Yelena is in the passenger side Natasha is chewing gum as she is talking to her sister.

Coulson: Is that your car?

Both sisters: Nope

NATASHA: What is that?... like an army surplus?


Sam: How would you know if it was or not?

Natasha doesn't say anything just stares at the screen

YELENA (a little annoyed): Okay. It has a lot of pockets.

Natasha just laughs as she continues driving

May: Womens clothes need more pockets

Bobbi: Amen sister

Jessica: I totally agree

Yelena: Ha see they all understand

Everyone notices that Nat is wearing the vest seen on screen

We cut to the sisters walking into a clearing in the woods meeting up with Mason who has a crappy jet behind him.

Steve: Who's that guy?

Tony: Ouuu is Cap jealous?

Steve: No I am just asking a question Stark

Natasha: A private contractor known him for years.

Clint: I love that guy he is funny

Yelena: No he is sensitive

YELENA: I thought you were suppose to be the best.. like a real pro

Carol: That was a good one

Peter 1: I love this and it has only just started

MASON: Oh I beg your pardon tsarina was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissle not to your liking?


Daisy: Free flat.... how did you manage that?

Yelena: Just a little threat that is all.

Kate: Oh lord (facepalms).

We now see Yelena packing clothes into her bag in the apartment in Budapest

YELENA: Why don't you take it to one of your super scientist friends, they can explain it to you. Tony Stark maybe?

Tony: Ya you could have come to me.

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