Tony's Death

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We start the scene with Tony on the battle field lifting his head up looking at Dr. Strange out of breath just wanting this all to be over with


Steve: What happened?

Strange: This was when you guys brought back half the universe that was talked about when we arrived here... this is Tonys sacrifice

Strange slowly gives him a "one" gesture with his finger. Tony seems to understand what he means by this.

We see Thanos Putting in the last stone into his gauntlet gaining all the powers of the infinity stones.

Jarvis: That is a lot of power

Tonys gets up and goes to grab the gauntlet trying to take it off of him.

Natasha: Come on Tony

Thanos fights him off sending Tony to the ground.



Thanos looks at his gauntlet with pride

THANOS: I am.. Inevitable

Peter 3: Oh is this the purple alien you said you fought?

Peter 1: Yupp

Thanos snaps his fingers but nothing happens he then takes a closer look at his gauntlet and the stones are not there.

Peter 2: What?

T'Challa: where are they then?

We see Tony kneeling and he is now holding the power of the infinity stones

Steve: Noo Tony

Tony looks at his on screen self with sadness but all accomplishment knowing he did it to save the universe

Thanos looks at him in shock

TONY: And I.... Am........ Iron Man

Tony snaps his fingers and the screen goes white for a second


Next we see Rocket shooting at a Chitauri only for it to turn to dust

Gamora: he did it

Clint: you are a true hero Stark

Fury: Well from what i witnessed earlier it wouldn't of been able to get done without Natasha's sacrifice so you are both true heroes

Both Tony and Nat look at each other and give each other a small smile

We then see the rest of Thanos army turning to dust as the avengers look at what's happening

Thanos is seen with disbelief on his face looking around at his army dusting away he then turns to Cap who looks at him

We then see Thanos Sitting down on a rock turning to dust as well

Next we see Tony Stumbling to a rock and goes to sit down against it clearly trying to hold out for as long as he can

Rhodey: Oh god 

Peter 1: I can't go through this again

Yelena gets up and moves to sit by Peter 1 she whispers in his ear something only he can hear

Nat is watching them proud of how much her sister has grown

Rhodey flys down to his friend and goes up to him giving him a look saying "i know"

Peter than jumps down and see Tonys condition goes up to him kneeling in front of him

PETER: Mr. Stark... hey.. Mr. Stark

He starts getting emotional

People start to tear up seeing Peters on screen self becoming emotional

Can you hear me? it's Peter..... (takes a couple breaths) we won.... Mr. Stark.... we won Mr. Stark

Peter 1 starts to sob into Yelenas shoulder Yelena has her arm around him giving him what ever comfort he needs. 

Peter starts to tear up

we won, we did it sir, we did it.... 

You can hear people sobbing at the scene on screen

Pepper Comes up behind peter and puts her hands on his shoulder

i'm sorry Tony

Tony clears his throat a little so he can speak: Of course the one time you call me Tony its when i'm dying

People laugh at the attempt of bringing the mood up

Pepper as calmly as she can brings Peter away from tony passing him to Rhodey and Kneels down in front of him



Pepper has her hand over his heart and tony puts his hand on top of hers


F.R.I.D.A.Y: Life functions critical

Steve: we are going to change this so no one dies you all hear me

People nod their heads agreeing with the Captain

Tony goes to try to say something but he can't get the words out

PEPPER: Tony... look at me, we're gonna be okay you can rest now

I don't know how Pepper was able to stay that strong

I give all respect to her

Pepper starts to lose her self control as she feels his arc reactor start to turn off knowing he is gone as his hand falls limp.

Thor and Steve are seen sadly looking at their fallen friend

Pepper then gives him a long kiss on the check ducking her head into his shoulder crying.

Tony looks at Peter: Underoos we are going to fix this

Peter just gives a shrug not really believing the words

He looks at Yelena who smiles at him he mouths a "thank you" she just gives him a nod and a squeeze on the shoulder and moves back to her seat beside Nat

Bobbi: So what is the next Scene that you are going to break out heats with

C.V: Well next up is Gamoras death sorry Guardians

The guardians all look sad at hearing this. 

A/N: REQUEST CLOSED (6/6/2022)

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