He's a friend from work

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GRANDMASTER:  Wow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors... who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I.

Peter 2: This guy is going to be a drama queen isn't he

Bruce: Oh yes

Rhodey: He is more dramatic than you Stark

And now, without further ado...
it's main event time!!


Making his first appearance, though
he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen...

(LAUGHTER from the crowd)

I give to you...Lord of Thunder!

Thor: Actually God of Thunder

Enter Thor. Gladiator Thor. Shaved head, trimmed beard,
minimalist armor, covered in weapons. Two swords on his
back, giant mace in one hand, spiked shield in the other.

GRANDMASTER (CONT'D): Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks.


Tony: Your new nickname is sparky

Thor looks up at the throngs of SCREAMING FANS. And then...

...puts on his helmet. A badass gladiator variation of his
classic winged helm. Thor is ready to rumble.

ABOVE: Find Valkyrie in her Warsong ship, parked amongst the
other tailgaters. She POPS open a bottle of booze.

Jemma: Who is that?

Thor: That is a Valkyrie but her name is Brunnhilde they are an army of women who fought on Asgard

GRANDMASTER (CONT'D): Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him.

Bruce just groans hearing this description

Suddenly the floor beneath Thor's feet LOWERS. A slow, tension-building GRIND as he sees-
A DOOR across the arena.   Bigger and bigger.
The entire crowd is on its feet. Palpable anticipation.    The
spotlights change to bright stadium lights.

GRANDMASTER (CONT'D):  He's undefeated. HE'S THE REIGNING... HE'S THE DEFENDING... Ladies and gentlemen... I give you...

Yelena: Okay we get it... soo dramatic

People laugh at this but are also agreeing with her statement

KA-BOOM!   EXPLODING through a door is the Champion...


Clint: Hey it's you Bruce

Bruce: Yah not one of my greatest moments in life

He wears an armored shoulder guard and a Spartan helmet. He carries a warhammer in one hand and a battleaxe in the other.

Hulk POUNDS his chest and ROARS,
further energizing an already frenzied crowd.


Kate: Never thought that I would be more afraid of the Hulk

Fitz: He is pounding his chest like a gorilla

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